Konfirm automates the execution of tests in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling automatic validation of in-cluster services and simple integration testing for application teams.
In Konfirm, tests are managed by the top-level TestSuite custom resource. TestSuites are executed as soon as they are created and can optionally be periodically triggered by either a cron schedule, an observed Helm release, or manually by removing all associated TestRuns (see when below for more details).
Each TestSuite execution is managed by a TestRun resource, which in turn creates each of the suite's Test resources. Test resources execute tests by creating Pods, managing Pods across evictions and other preemptions until completion. If the Pod succeeds (has an exit code zero), the Test succeeds. If the Pod fails (has a non-zero exit code) the Test fails. Messages written to the containers' termination messages area retained by the Test resource and then by the TestRun resource. By default, failed Pods are retained to allow their logs to be inspected (although Kubernete's typical garbage collection applies and log retention is not permanent). Finally, TestRuns are considered to pass only if all associated Tests pass, and TestSuites are either passing or failing based on their most recent TestRun.
Konfirm exposes TestSuites' current pass/fail status (and other valuable runtime data) as Prometheus metrics, allowing admins to use existing in-cluster tooling to observe and alert on test results. For example, TestSuite watching the istiod Helm release can automatically validate the Istio control plane's behavior after each upgrade and immediately alert admins of any problems.
apiVersion: konfirm.teamraft.com/v1beta1
kind: TestSuite
namespace: a-namespace
name: my-test
cron: 0 7 * * 1-5
helmRelease: istiod
runAs: a-user
historyLimit: 3
secret: my-test-setup
retentionPolicy: OnFailure
- description: sidecar injection is enabled by default
- name: main
image: konfirm/check-istio
- has-sidecar
The when
property defines when a TestSuite will be triggered. It supports to types of triggers: schedule
and helmRelease
The cron
property of when
causes the TestSuite to be triggered on the defined schedule. If the schedule is valid, the NextRun property in the TestSuite's status will be set. Otherwise, the InvalidSchedule condition will be set. To prevent runaway resource utilization, schedules are based on the completion time of the most recent TestRun, meaning parallel tests will not be executed. However, if a schedule is missed it will be executed as soon as the Konfirm manage observes the missed run.
The helmRelease
property of when
causes the TestSuite to be triggered on any new release, upgrade, or downgrade of the specified Helm release. Releases in other namespaces can be watched using [RELEASE].[NAMESPACE] notation, however cross-namespace observability must be explicitly enabled with a HelmPolicy.
specifies a UserRef that Konfirm will use for impersonation during setup, teardown, and pod creation/deletion. runAs
utilizes UserRefs to explicitly separate the management of impersonation, allowing cluster admins to appropriately restrict what testers can do.
specifies the maximum number of TestRuns to retain. The default is 3, and the minimum is 1.
defines steps that must be completed before a TestRun is executed.
references a Secret with chart
, username
, password
, and values
keys. chart
is a URL to a Helm chart, and username
and password
are the optional credentials used to retrieve the chart. values
is the YAML-encoded values used by the release. If helm
is defined, a successful Helm release is required before a TestRun is created. Teardown is performed via a Helm uninstall and must be successfully completed before a new TestRun can be executed.
The spec
property of template
defines how a TestSuite is executed.
defines when Test resources are retained. The default is OnFailure
, but Always
and Never
are also supported.
define the individual Tests to be executed.
is a brief, user-friendly description of the test
In addition to an extremely repetitive path, template
is a PodTemplateSpec that defines the Pod a Test will create.
Konfirm was designed for security from the very beginning to ensure it was safe to run in mission-critical production environments. Its security features include:
- All mutating Pod operations are performed using impersonation that is managed separately from other Konfirm resources, allowing cluster admins to limit what tests can do either cluster-wide or per namespace.
- By default, Helm releases are only observable to tests in the same namespace. A HelmPolicy must be defined to permit observability from other namespaces.
- All Secret operations—which are required to observe Helm releases—are restricted to read-only operations on metadata.