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rafaqz committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent 870d245 commit ffa56ec
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions test/resample.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
using Rasters, ArchGDAL, GeoInterface, Extents
using Test
using Rasters.LookupArrays

include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Rasters)), "../test/test_utils.jl"))

@testset "resample" begin
raster_path = maybedownload("")

output_res = 0.0027
output_crs = EPSG(4326)
method = "near"

## Resample cea.tif manually with ArchGDAL
wkt = convert(String, convert(WellKnownText, output_crs))
AG_output = do dataset
ArchGDAL.gdalwarp([dataset], ["-t_srs", "$(wkt)",
"-tr", "$(output_res)", "$(output_res)",
"-r", "$(method)"]) do warped, 1))

# Resample cea.tif using resample
cea = Raster(raster_path; missingval=0x00)
raster_output =
resample(cea; res=output_res, crs=output_crs, method)
disk_output = resample(cea; res=output_res, crs=output_crs, method, filename="resample.tif")

cea_permuted = permutedims(Raster(raster_path), (Y, X))
permuted_output = resample(cea_permuted, output_res; crs=output_crs, method)

# Compare ArchGDAL, resample and permuted resample
@test AG_output ==
raster_output[Band(1)] ==
disk_output[Band(1)] ==
permutedims(permuted_output, (X, Y))
@test abs(step(dims(raster_output, Y)))
abs(step(dims(raster_output, X)))
abs(step(dims(disk_output, X)))
abs(step(dims(permuted_output, X))) output_res


@testset "snapped size and dim index match" begin
snaptarget = raster_output
snapped = resample(cea; to=snaptarget)
disk_snapped = resample(cea; to=snaptarget, filename="raster.tif")
@test size(snapped) == size(disk_snapped) == size(snaptarget)
@test isapprox(index(snaptarget, Y), index(snapped, Y))
@test isapprox(index(snaptarget, X), index(snapped, X))
@test isapprox(index(snaptarget, Y), index(disk_snapped, Y))
@test isapprox(index(snaptarget, X), index(disk_snapped, X))

@testset "`method` only does nothing" begin
resampled = resample(cea; method)
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
@test cea == resampled
# There is some floating point error here after Rasters -> GDAL -> Rasterss...
# Should we correct it by detecting almost identical extent and using the original?
@test_broken extent(cea) = extent(resampled)

@testset "only `res` kw changes the array size predictably" begin
res = step(span(cea, X)) / 2
resampled = resample(cea; res)
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == size(dims(cea, (X, Y))) .* 2
# GDAL fp error see above
@test_broken extent(cea) = extent(resampled)
resampled = resample(cea; res=(res, 2res))
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == (size(cea, X) .* 2, size(cea, Y))
resampled = resample(cea; res=(X(2res), Y(res)))
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == (size(cea, X), size(cea, Y) * 2)

@testset "only `size` kw sets the size" begin
res = step(span(cea, X)) / 2
resampled = resample(cea; size=(100, 200))
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == size(resampled[:, :, 1]) == (100, 200)
resampled = resample(cea; size=(X(99), Y(111)))
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == size(resampled[:, :, 1]) == (99, 111)
resampled = resample(cea; size=100)
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) == size(resampled[:, :, 1]) == (100, 100)

@testset "Extent `to` can resize arbitrarily" begin
to = Extent(X=(-10000.0, 2000.0), Y=(4.2e6, 4.3e6))
resampled = resample(cea; to)
@test all(map((bs...,) -> all(map(, bs...)), extent(resampled), to))
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
# Most of the area is extended, and filled with missingval
@test sum(x -> x === missingval(resampled), resampled) > length(resampled) / 2

@testset "Geometries work as `to`" begin
geom = GeoInterface.Polygon([[(0.0, 4e6), (-1e5, 4.4e6), (-1e5, 4.2e6)]])
resampled = resample(cea; to=geom)
@test map(extent(resampled[Band(1)]), GeoInterface.extent(geom)) do bs1, bs2
map(, bs2, bs2) |> all
end |> all
@test crs(cea) == crs(resampled)
# Most of the area is extended, and filled with missingval
@test sum(x -> x === missingval(resampled), resampled) > length(resampled) / 2

@testset "only `crs` kw changes the array size" begin
resampled = resample(cea; crs=EPSG(3857), method)
@test size(dims(resampled, (X, Y))) !== size(dims(cea, (X, Y)))
@test crs(resampled) == EPSG(3857)

@testset "no existing crs warns" begin
nocrs = setcrs(cea, nothing)
@test crs(nocrs) == nothing
@test_warn "does not have crs" resample(nocrs; crs=output_crs, method)

@testset "resample eltype propagates" begin
r = Raster(rand(UInt8, X(1:10), Y(1:10)))
r1 = resample(r; to=r)
@test eltype(r1) == UInt8

@testset "resample to the same size or resolution leaves raster unchanged" begin
res = 2
ys = LinRange((90 - res / 2):-res:(-90 + res / 2))
xs = LinRange((-180 + res / 2):res:(180 - res / 2))

point_dims = Y(ys), X(xs)
interval_dims = Y(ys; sampling=Intervals(Center())), X(xs; sampling=Intervals(Center()))
rev_y_point_dims = Y(reverse(ys)), X(xs)
rev_y_interval_dims = reverse(interval_dims[1]), interval_dims[2]
rev_x_point_dims = Y(ys), X(reverse(xs))
rev_x_interval_dims = interval_dims[1], reverse(interval_dims[2])
test_dims = (point_dims, interval_dims, rev_x_point_dims, rev_x_interval_dims, rev_y_point_dims, rev_y_interval_dims)
ds_fwd = point_dims; f = identity

for ds_fwd in test_dims, f in (identity, reverse)
ds = f(ds_fwd)
raster = Raster(rand(ds), crs=EPSG(4326), missingval=NaN)
resampled_res = resample(raster; res)
resampled_size = resample(raster; size=size(raster), method=:near)
@test resampled_res == resampled_size == raster
@test dims(resampled_res) == dims(resampled_size) == dims(raster)

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