Factorio Interpreter in Lua
"So what can do you with Flang?” https://gfycat.com/ScientificPinkGoosefish
The EBNF language definition can be found in base\parser.lua
The flow from source file to symbol table is as follows:
[source file] -> [characters] -> base\scanner.lua
-> base\lexer.lua
-> [tokens] -> base\parser.lua
-> [nodes] -> base\interpreter.lua
-> [symbol table]
The symbol table is a mapping between variable names and values.
The drivers run different functionality modules of the language. For example, the _lexerDriver.lua
will run the lexer and print tokens of the source input file.
A complete example of Flang can be found in the samples/complete.flang
file. Running lua _interpreterCompleteDriver.lua
will run this example and assertions. An example successful output (with lexer tokens) is printed below:
The builder.py script creates a zipped mod file.
If using Atom, this script will be run on-save automatically, see https://atom.io/packages/save-commands