A Bazel rule that wraps Copybara, a google-built tool for working with multiple repos
add this to your repo’s WORKSPACE file (bazel 5.3.1
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# TODO this chunk is wrong for external consumption, it should be a git_repository or http_archive with a release
name = "com_github_rules_copybara",
path = "."
load("@com_github_rules_copybara//:copybara.bzl", "copybara_config")
copybara_version = "6cd6432036fd47ba13737aa2ab3703ebf7a8a8cb",
copybara_sha256 = "6601b287c39a08eb5c6e5ed15c920ed2bfeb9140220190ef29c117f2abe5b55d"
load("@com_github_rules_copybara//:copybara_dependencies.bzl", "copybara_dependency")
load("@com_github_google_copybara//:repositories.bzl", "copybara_repositories")
load("@com_github_google_copybara//:repositories.maven.bzl", "copybara_maven_repositories")
load("@com_github_google_copybara//:repositories.go.bzl", "copybara_go_repositories")
Follow the instructions in the Installation section
in scalaz3.sky
name = "z3",
origin = git.origin(
url = "https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git",
ref = "z3-4.11.2",
origin_files = glob(["**"]),
destination = folder.destination(),
destination_files = glob(["**"]),
authoring = authoring.pass_thru("z3 copybara update <[email protected]>"),
transformations = [
patch.apply(patches = ["examples/z3.patch"], strip = 0),
and the rule invocation in a BUILD
name = "z3-copybara-import", # name of the rule
additional_files = ["//examples:z3.patch"], # additional files you may need
destination_dir = "3rdparty/copybara/z3", # to land in the source tree of the repo with this BUILD file
workflow_defs = "//examples:z3.sky", # the workflow definition
workflows = ["z3"], # select which workflows to run
in scalaz3.sky
name = "scalaz3",
origin = git.origin(
url = "https://github.com/epfl-lara/ScalaZ3.git",
ref = "f0869281a7a42a1ed336b9e9259518c0c75acaa9",
origin_files = glob(["**"], exclude = ["build.sbt", "project"]),
destination = folder.destination(),
destination_files = glob(["**"]),
authoring = authoring.pass_thru("scalaz3 copybara update <[email protected]>"),
transformations = [
patch.apply(patches = ["examples/scalaz3.patch"], strip = 0),
before = """import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}""",
after = """import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite\nimport org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers""",
paths = glob(["src/test/**/*.scala"]),
before = "extends FunSuite",
after = "extends AnyFunSuite",
paths = glob(["src/test/**/*.scala"]),
and the corresponding build target
name = "scalaz3-copybara-import",
additional_files = ["//copybara/workflow_files:scalaz3.patch"],
destination_dir = "3rdparty/copybara/scalaz3",
workflow_defs = "//copybara/workflow_files:scalaz3.sky",
workflows = ["scalaz3"],
deps = [":z3-copybara-import"]
This is where somethings get more complicated, so we’ve developed some special-purpose templates for this kind of thing. We’re happy to accept contributions of new rules if you have additional workflows/use cases. Take a look at this template Push commits template.
This moves commits from one “source of truth” repository at a path to another repository. It’s pretty useful in a monorepo context where one would like to share a folder with some patches to the external world. NB: this is a one-way thing, so external pull requests/changes get clobbered.
Here’s the rule invocation we use from our internal monorepo to create this repo
load("@com_github_rules_copybara//:copybara.bzl", "copybara", "copybara_move_commits", "copybara_move_github_pr", "default_push_transformations")
# sot -> dest repo
name = "sot-to-ext",
committer = "copybara <[email protected]>",
dest_branch = "main",
dest_repo = "[email protected]:radixbio/rules_copybara_ext.git",
destination_files = 'glob(["**"])',
push_files = 'glob(["bazel/rules/rules_copybara/**"])',
push_transformations = default_push_transformations + [
'core.move("bazel/rules/rules_copybara", "")',
sot_branch = "main", # TODO when this gets merged to main, change this to main
sot_repo = "[email protected]:radixbio/monorepo.git",
The `copybara <[email protected]>` committer moves the `bazel/rules/rules_copybara/**` files to `rules_copybara_ext`, and uses a `push_transformations` to re-root the files in that directory.
- Copybara does not have CI on its repo, so not all commit hashes work.
- Copybara includes bazel’s source tree itself in its dependencies, and not all versions of bazel can build bazel. At the time of writing, latest master works only on bazel
, whereas the version I use (since i’m on bazel5.3.1
) works with commit6cd64320
- Dhasharath Shrivathsa <[email protected]>
- Shaan Hashmi <[email protected]>