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Continuous Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) with the HPE MLOPs Platform

Author: [email protected]

This is a proof of concept showing how developers can create a Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) system using Pachyderm and Determined AI. This is a unique RAG system sitting on top of the HPE MLOPs platform, which is a combination of Pachyderm and Determined.AI. A RAG system built on top of an MLOPs platform allowing developers to continuously update and deploy a RAG application as more data is ingested. We also provide an example of how developers can automatically trigger finetuning an LLM on a instruction tuning dataset.

We use the following technologies to implement the RAG System:

  • ChromaDB for the vector database
  • Chainlit for the User Interface
  • Mistral-7B-Instruct for the large language model (LLM)
  • DeterminedAI for finetuning the LLM
  • Pachyderm to manage dataset versioning and pipeline orchestration.


  • This Demo requires running on a GPU. We support running an A100 80GB GPU or a Tesla T4 16GB GPU.
  • This demo currently only supports deployment and running on the Houston Cluster
  • This Demo assumes you have Pachyderm and DeterminedAI installed on top of Kubernetes. A guide will be provided soon to show how to install Pachyderm and Kubernetes.
  • If you have a machine with GPUs, you can install PDK using this guide:
  • [WIP,Coming soon] We will modify the installation steps to also support installation on a PDK GCP cluster


Quickstart Installation

  • Create new notebook on the Houston cluster using the pdk-llm-rag-demo template, you can select one gpu or no gpu.

  • In your shared_nb/01 - Users/<USER_NAME> create a terminal and rungit clone ttps://

  • Open the Deploy RAG with PDK.pynb, and it should run out-of-the-box.

  • Note: The default to deploy the TitanML pod is using an A100 (using the taint A100-MLDM), if you want to change this to deploy to a T4, do the following:

    • go to src/scripts/ GPU_DEVICE=A100-MLDM
    • update # GPU_DEVICE=Tesla-T4

Location of pachyderm pipelines:

Notebooks included in this demo

  • Run Deploy RAG with PDK.pynb to deploy a RAG system using a pretrained LLM
  • Run Finetune and Deploy RAG with PDK.ipynb to both finetune an LLM and deploy a finetuned model.

Detailed Installation Steps

We will show how to (in detail) setup this repo and demo for a new environment. We are assuming to create shared directories for storing model files:

  • /nvmefs1/test_user and /nvmefs1/test_user/cache Please modify this to your respective environment.

Setup Jupyter Notebook in DeterminedAI environment

  • Install DeterminedAI Notebook template to use all the required python libraries to run
  • Create DeterminedAI notebook
  • Setup directory of pretrained models and vectordb
  • Modify Deploy RAG with PDK.ipynb notebook

Open a terminal, and make sure you create these folders within a shared file directory /nvmefs1/test_user and /nvmefs1/test_user/cache

Example command to create directory: mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache

Review Determined Notebook template: pdk-llm-nb-env-houston.yaml

env_files/pdk-llm-nb-env-houston.yaml is a configured template to setup all the packages needed to run the notebook demos. This template mounts the host /nvmefs1 directory to the determined notebook and training job. You do not need to modify this file if you are running on houston.

Install Determined Notebook template to use all the required python libraries to run

NOTE: You do not need to run this step on houston, as the notebook template pdk-llm-rag-demo is already accessible

If in an new environment, change directory to the directory of this project, and run the command

det template create pdk-llm-rag-env env_files/pdk-llm-nb-env-houston.yaml

next, create Notebook with No GPUs, or One GPU

Create a notebook using the pdk-llm-rag-demo template.

Setup directory of pretrained models and vectordb

Make sure you have a PDK deployment with a shared file directory

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache

Create a directory that will store the persistent vector database. This will be used for the add_to_vector pipeline (defined in Deploy RAG with PDK.ipynb)

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/rag_db/ We need to create a folder for ChromaDB cache:

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/chromadb_cache

We need to cache the embedding model to vectorize our data into ChromaDB

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/vector_model/all-MiniLM-L6-v2

We need to cache our LLM Model and Tokenizer

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer

To prevent any interruption downloading, we will create a separate cache folder when first downloading the model (We can delete this after successfully saving) mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model_cache/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer

Finally, create a directory for the titanml cache:

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/titanml_cache

Run the code in this notebook env/Download_Vector_Embedding.ipynb to download the embedding model to /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/vector_model/all-MiniLM-L6-v2

Run the code in this notebook env/Download_and_cache_Mistral_7B_model.ipynb to run to download mistral 7B model t /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer

Get IPs to deploy RAG Application.

We need two IP Addresses that will allocate on the Houston Kubernetes Cluster. One IP will be used to deploy the TitanML API Service, and the user will deploy the user interface.

Get the first IP

you will need two dedicated IPs that can persist on the houston cluster. Here are the steps I recommend running to make sure you can get IPs to use for the cluster.

Create a temporary pod on Houston Cluster:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: jupyter1
    name: jupyter1
  - name: ubuntu
    image: ubuntu:latest
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      - echo starting;
        apt-get update;
        apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip;
        pip install jupyterlab;
        jupyter lab --ip= --port=8080 --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --allow-root
    - containerPort: 8080
      hostPort: 8080

Once this pod is running, run the command to assign the next available IP on the houston cluster

kubectl expose pod jupyter1 --port 8080 --target-port 8080 --type LoadBalancer

Then run this command to see what IP was allocated:

kubectl get svc jupyter1

And see the output:

[andrew@mlds-mgmt ~]$ kubectl get svc jupyter1
NAME       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
jupyter1   LoadBalancer   8080:31685/TCP   5s

We see that the ip address is allocated, so save this IP address for the TitanML deployment.

Get the Second IP for the User Interface Pod

Create another temporary pod on Houston Cluster:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: jupyter2
    name: jupyter2
  - name: ubuntu
    image: ubuntu:latest
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      - echo starting;
        apt-get update;
        apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip;
        pip install jupyterlab;
        jupyter lab --ip= --port=8080 --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --allow-root
    - containerPort: 8080
      hostPort: 8080

Once this is running, then run the command to assign the next available IP

kubectl expose pod jupyter2 --port 8080 --target-port 8080 --type LoadBalancer

Then run this command:

kubectl get svc jupyter2

And see the output:

[andrew@mlds-mgmt ~]$ kubectl get svc jupyter2
NAME       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
jupyter2   LoadBalancer   8080:31934/TCP   4s

We see that the ip address is allocated, so save this IP address for the TitanML deployment.

So we will use for TitanML deployment, and for the user interface deployment.

Clean up pods and svcs by running the command:

kubectl delete pod/jupyter1 && kubectl delete pod/jupyter2 && kubectl delete svc/jupyter1 && kubectl delete svc/jupyter2

Modify Deploy RAG with PDK.ipynb notebook

This notebook allows SE's to drive how to continuosly update a vector database with new documents.

You will need to modify the notebook if you have a custom directory that is not /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/

Background: There are two data repos:

  • code: this is the repo that has all your code for preprocessing, training, and deployment. Code can be shown in the src/ folder
  • data: this includes all the raw XML files that contain HPE press releases

Background: Overview of pipelines we will deploy:

  • process_xml: This runs src/py/ script to extract the text from the raw xml files, and save them into /pfs/out/hpe_press_releases.csv
  • add_to_vector_db: This runs src/py/ that takes hpe_press_releases.csv as input and indexes it to the vector database. NOTE: We are persisting the vector db as a folder in the directory you created /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/rag_db/
  • deploy: This runs a runner script src/scripts/ This script deploys the LLM located at /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer to TitanML. TitanML does some efficient optimization so that models only uses 8.4GB on a GPU.

Modify the add_to_vector_db pipline

Can leave the process_xml pipline as is. No need to modify, will support any environment

We will need to modify the add_to_vector_db pipeline yaml definition.

In jupyter notebook cell, make sure you modify te --path-to-db to the correct location:

    image: mendeza/python38_process:0.2
        - '/bin/sh'
    - 'python /pfs/code/src/py/ --path_to_db /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/rag_db/
    --csv_path /pfs/process_xml/hpe_press_releases.csv
    --emb_model_path /run/determined/workdir/shared_fs/cache/vector_model/all-MiniLM-L6-v2'
    - 'echo "$(openssl rand -base64 12)" > /pfs/out/random_file.txt'

Modify the src/scripts/ script

go to src/scripts/ and modify several variables:

  • UI_IP

so it aligns with the current location of your shared directory:

Here is an example values that work assuming you created and downloaded all the necessary files in /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/

# Environment variables
ROOT_DIR=/pfs/code/src/scripts/ # ROOT_DIR is the directory where the scripts reside in /pfs

TITANML_POD_NAME=titanml-pod # TITANML_POD_NAME is the name of the titanml pod we are deploying

TITANML_CACHE_HOST=/nvmefs1/test_user/cache/titanml_cache # TITANML_CACHE_HOST is the directory of the cache titanml needs during deployment

HOST_VOLUME=/nvmefs1/ # HOST_VOLUME is the path to the root mounted directory

TAKEOFF_MODEL_NAME=/nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer # TAKEOFF_MODEL_NAME is the local path of a huggingface model titanml will optimize and deploy

TAKEOFF_DEVICE=cuda # TAKEOFF_DEVICE specifys to use GPU Acceleration for TitanML

API_HOST= # This should update with the IP you verified
DB_PATH=/nvmefs1/test_user/cache/rag_db/ # DB_PATH is the path to the chromadb vector database

UI_IP= 0# This should update with the second IP you verified
CHROMA_CACHE_HOST= /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/chromadb_cache

# APP_PY_PATH is the python path used to the python script that implements the UI
# Use /nvmefs1/ if you want fast debugging
APP_PY_PATH="/nvmefs1/shared_nb/01 - Users/andrew.mendez/2024/pdk-llm-rag-demo-test-/src/py/"

You can run this as is, but if you want to deploy the TitanML API and the UI App on different IPS, change all the above values.

Bring your own documents

Follow the

Bulid your own containers

  • Docker container for notebok environment: mendeza/mistral-rag-env:0.0.11-pachctl Can build a similar container using:
FROM determinedai/environments:cuda-11.3-pytorch-1.12-tf-2.11-gpu-mpi-0.27.1
RUN pip install transformers==4.36.0
RUN pip install peft accelerate bitsandbytes trl
RUN pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url
RUN pip install einops
RUN curl -L | sudo tar -xzv --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin
  • Docker container for TitanML Serving appllication: mendeza/takeoff-mistral:0.5
  • Docker container for User Interface Chainlit app: mendeza/mistral-llm-rag-ui:0.0.7
FROM determinedai/environments:cuda-11.3-pytorch-1.12-tf-2.11-gpu-mpi-0.27.1
RUN pip install transformers==4.36.0
RUN pip install peft accelerate bitsandbytes trl
RUN pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url
RUN pip install einops chainlit==0.7.700 sentence_transformers==2.2.2 sentencepiece==0.1.99
RUN curl -L | sudo tar -xzv --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin
  • Docker container for PyTorchTrial Mistal finetuning: mendeza/mistral-rag-env:0.0.11-pachctl
    • Can build the same container using the instructions from mendeza/mistral-rag-env:0.0.11-pachctl

Bring your own Huggingface model

Create a new folder for the new LLM Model and Tokenizer

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer2

To prevent any interruption downloading, we will create a separate cache folder when first downloading the model (We can delete this after successfully saving) mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model_cache/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer2

Follow the notebook env/Download_and_cache_Mistral_7B_model.ipynb and modify the path to save model at /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer2 and the cache_dir /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/model_cache/mistral_7b_model_tokenizer2

You will need to modify the TAKEOFF_MODEL_NAME in src/scripts/ that points to the new local HF model

Bring your own Sentence Transformer model

Create a new folder for the new Embedding Model

mkdir -p /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/vector_model/all-MiniLM-L6-v22

Follow the notebook env/Download_Vector_Embedding.ipynb and modify the path to save model at /nvmefs1/test_user/cache/vector_model/all-MiniLM-L6-v22

You will need to modify the EMB_PATH in src/scripts/ that points to the new local HF model


Deployment of LLM RAG Application using PDK






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  • Jupyter Notebook 52.7%
  • Python 39.7%
  • Shell 7.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.5%