A Gradle plugin that allows you to encrypt your source code with AES PBE and decrypt it at runtime. Plugin supports resource encryption only. This is done by gradle encryptResources task, which is automatically applied before processResources task.
The latest plugin version is available at gradle plugin portal.
plugins {
id 'io.github.raccoon1515.sourcecrypt' version '1.0'
Encryption requires password and salt. It can be provided with plugin extension:
crypt {
password = 'my-verRy-secRet-passw0Rd'
salt = 'very-salty'
or by providing gradle properties:
- encrypt.password,
- encrypt.salt.
After plugin applied, ALL project resource will be encrypted when processResources task executed. To specify which project resources have to be encrypted provide it to plugin extension:
crypt {
resources {
include = new File("src/main/resources/my_secret_resource")
Plugin provides utility class net.raccoon.sourcecrypt.Cryptor, that provides static methods to decrypt/encrypt strings. Decrypt example:
import net.raccoon.sourcecrypt.Cryptor;
class ExampleDecrypt {
void decryptString(String encrypted, char[] password, byte[] salt) {
String decryptedContent = Cryptor.decryptToString(encrypted, password, salt);
void decryptBytes(byte[] encrypted, char[] password, byte[] salt) {
byte[] decryptedContent = Cryptor.decrypt(encrypted, password, salt);
Also, you can add that class to your IDE:
idea {
module {
generatedSourceDirs += file('build/generated')
To edit encrypted resources you have to decrypt them by running gradle task decryptResources. After editing completed you can manually encrypt them back by running encryptResources task. Project resources that not encrypted will be encrypted automatically when processResources task executed.