This crash course quickly runs through some key concepts of javascripts. JavaScript (JS) is a very popular language, built for the web. However, these days it employed in diverse environment from web to electronic side.
Learning Js is like learning piloting, there is a lot to learn, but sometimes the fun of flying might not let you finish in time. You can do amazing stuff, with little knowledge in JS on the web!
✅ Syntax of JS
✅ Variables (const, let, var)
✅ Arrays
✅ If/Else Statements
✅ For Loops (for, while, do-while)
✅ Functions (The heart of JS)
✅ Objects
✅ Built-ins(Math.random, Math.ceil, Math.floor, parseInt, typeof)
✅ Browser Built-ins(setTimeout, setInterval, alert, confirm, prompt, console)
Modern Syntax (ES6)
- Destructuring, Spread Operator, Arrow(Lambda) Functions, Anonymous Functions
Using Third Party JS Plugins
- The DOM
- Accessing DOM Elements
- Manipulating DOM Elements
- Creating things with JS in the DOM
- DOM Events (load, click, mouseover, etc)
- Project 1: Quiz App
- Asynchronous JS
- Promises
- Async and Await
- Fetch API
- Getting data from external source
- LocalStorage
- Array Methods (map, reduce, filter, forEach)
- Prototypical Inheritance
- Classes
- Copying Objects
- Currying
- High-order Functions
- Symbols