CLI interface for Keemple/OBLO smarthouse solution written in Perl.
IDGAF what you do with it or what it does to you. It's your problem, not mine. You can tell me if you do something cool, though.
cpan install File::Slurp;
cpan install Selenium::Firefox;
cpan install Selenium::Remote::WDKeys;
cpan install Text::Trim;
You must have Firefox binary available in PATH. To run without X server, use Xvfb.
If you are able to run this in any other environments than Linux, let me know.
./ <conf_path> <device_name> <switch_index_1..n> <state_1|0_(true=1)>
./ ~/.keempleAPI.conf 'światło salon' 2 1
Pull requests are welcome.
- Use Getopts...
- Validate login.
- Check if the gateway offline.
- Selecting a gateway via command line.
- Standalone server which would keep a persistent session and allow queued commands execution.
- Reading values (not limited to switches!).
- True headless mode (browser window visible only with some "--debug" option.)