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usethis 2.2.0

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@jennybc jennybc released this 06 Jun 14:33

New functions

  • use_author() is a new function to introduce a new person into the
    Authors@R field of DESCRIPTION (@avalcarcel9, #833).

  • use_rstudio_preferences() lets you set RStudio preferences programmatically

  • use_standalone() is a new function that makes it easier to use standalone
    files provided by various low-level tidyverse packages, like rlang (#1654).

  • use_upkeep_issue() is a new function to facilitate regular maintenance of
    your package. Similar to use_release_issue(), it opens an issue in your repo
    with a checklist of maintenance tasks. It will include additional bullets
    if your package includes an upkeep_bullets() function that returns a
    character vector (#1794).

Package development

  • Although nested projects are discouraged, they can be useful in development
    contexts. create_package() now sets the correct package name and returns
    the correct package path for a package nested inside a project (#1647).

  • use_article() no longer adds the rmarkdown package to Suggests. Instead,
    if rmarkdown is not already a dependency, it's added to
    Config/Needs/website. This means that a package that only uses articles
    (vs. vignettes) won't gain an unnecessary dependency on rmarkdown (#1700).

  • use_data() now sets the appropriate minimal R version in DESCRIPTION,
    depending on which serialization format version you choose (@dpprdan, #1672).

  • use_github_links() by default now appends the GitHub url to existing urls in
    in the URL field of DESCRIPTION, rather than replacing existing urls (#1805).

  • use_latest_dependencies() no longer affects Suggests since those
    dependencies are not enforced (#1749).

  • use_news_md() now places "(development version)" in the header of
    if there is a development version number in DESCRIPTION. It also sets the
    first bullet to "Initial CRAN submission" when it looks like a "new" package

  • use_coverage() no longer adds covr to Suggests, since the test-coverage
    GitHub Actions workflow takes care of installing covr (@Bisaloo, #1851).

Package release

  • use_release_issue() will now remind you to run use_github_links() if
    necessary (@Bisaloo, #1754)

  • use_release_issue() now encourages the creation of prior to
    submission, instead of after (#1755).

  • use_github_release() now automatically pushes to GitHub (if safe) and
    automatically publishes the release, rather than requiring you to edit and
    publish the draft (#1385).

  • use_github_release() no longer fails in the absence of (#1755).

  • use_release_issue() will now remind you to check/close the milestone
    corresponding to the release, if it exists (#1642).

  • use_version() and use_dev_version() gain a push argument to optionally
    push the result after committing. This is used to eliminate a manual step from
    the use_release_issue() checklist (#1385).

  • use_revdep() no longer places an email template, because these days we are
    more likely to communicate with other maintainers about breaking changes via
    GitHub issues and pull requests (#1769).

Package file management

  • rename_files() now also affects files in src/ (#1585).

  • use_r() and use_test() now work with all active files in R/, src/,
    and tests/testthat/ (#1566).

  • use_r() and use_test() now work with files containing . (#1690).

  • use_rcpp(), use_c() and friends now work the same way as use_r() and
    use_test(): they'll take the default file name from the file you currently
    have open in RStudio (#1730).

Git and GitHub

  • create_from_github() will now use an existing .Rproj file if it exists
    anywhere in the repo, not just the root directory. This is useful if you're
    working with repos that contain tools for multiple languages (#1680).

  • git_sitrep() gains two arguments: tool and scope, which enables
    you to limit the report to, for example, tool = "git" or scope = "user".
    The default remains to provide a full report. Also, provides more
    feedback if git user's information is not set, and checks global git-email
    against user-level GitHub PAT (@ijlyttle, #1732, #1714, #1706).

  • git_vaccinated() now treats a path configured as core.excludesFile like
    other user-supplied paths; in particular, any use of the ~/ home directory
    shortcut is expanded via
    (@dpprdan, #1560).

  • use_github_action() now suggests possible actions when called without
    arguments (#1724).

  • use_github_actions(), use_github_action_check_standard(),
    use_github_action_check_release(), and use_github_action_pr_commands()
    have been deprecated in favour of the new interactive powers of
    use_github_action() (#1724).

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Links to the R Packages book have been updated to the second edition of
    the book (#1689).

  • The SVG badges placed by use_lifecycle() have improved accessibility
    features, i.e. they advertise the lifecycle stage via the aria-label
    attribute (#1554, r-lib/lifecycle#117).

  • use_rscloud_badge() has been deprecated in favour of
    use_posit_cloud_badge(), and both functions now accept the updated url
    format of Posit Cloud projects (#1670).

  • use_rstudio() gains a reformat argument which omits .Rproj settings
    that enforce file formatting conventions, e.g. around whitespace.
    create_from_github() uses this option when it introduces an .Rproj to a
    project that lacks one, making it easier to follow the project's existing
    conventions (#1679).

  • write_over() and use_github_file() gain an overwrite argument (#1748).


  • use_release_issue() now uses internal release_extra_revdeps() to
    add extra revdep sources. Currently only use for internal Posit tooling,
    but we hope to extend to all users in the future (#1610).

  • use_tidy_logo() is a new function that calls use_logo() on the appropriate
    hex sticker PNG file at (#1871).

Defunct functions

  • use_tidy_eval() is now defunct because it imports and re-exports a large
    number of functions that are no longer needed in order to do tidy
    evaluation (#1656).

  • use_travis(), use_pkgdown_travis(), browse_travis(), and use_appveyor()
    are now defunct because we no longer recommend Travis or Appveyor. We
    recommend GitHub actions instead (#1517).