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How to run

  1. Create a .env file. This file will hold environment variables.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of .env.dist into the .env file.
  3. Run npm install to install project's dependencies.
  4. Run the project:

npm run start:dev to run the project in development mode (socket-mode).

npm run start:prod to run the project in production mode (http-mode).

Bot Scopes

In the slack's app page go to the OAuth & Permissions to manage the scopes, you will need to add the following scopes:

  • channel:history
  • channels:read
  • chat:write
  • commands
  • group:history
  • im:history
  • im:write
  • reactions:write
  • mpin:history
  • users:read

Event Subscriptions

In the Event subscription tab subscribe to the following events:

  • app_home_opened
  • message.channels
  • message.groups
  • message.mpim
  • reaction_added
  • team_join


You also have to add the "tarea" command

Command: /tarea

Request URL: https://{your_slack_bot_domain}/slack/events (no need in socket-mode)

Short description: "Sube tarea a r-argentina"

Run in development (Socket-mode)

The slack bolt documentation recommends using socket-mode for development since you don't have to give it a URL, but you do have to add an APP_TOKEN

You can generate one here: Basic information => App-Level Tokens => Generate Token and Scopes


  • connections:write

Activate socket-mode: Socket mode => Connect using Socket Mode => Enable Socket Mode

Run in production (Http-mode)

The Slack bolt documentation recommends running Http-mode when hosting apps:

HTTP is more useful for apps being deployed to hosting environments (like AWS or Heroku), or apps intended for distribution via the Slack App Directory.

Event Subscriptions

You have to set an URL in as follows: https://{your_slack_bot_domain}/slack/events


You can run tests using npm run test, npm run test:coverage to check the code coverage and npm run test:dev for testing during development.

Environment Variable

These are the required environment variables for the project to run:

Variable Description
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET Signing secret provided by the slack's app basic information page.
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN Bot's token provided by the slack´s OAuth & Permission page.
APP_TOKEN App level token generated in the slack's app basic information page.
SLACK_TEAM_ID ID of slack team.
API_URL Backend's URL.
BOT_ID Bots's ID.
BOT_AUTHORIZATION_BEARER_TOKEN Bearer token for the backend´s guards.
HTTP_PORT Port where the bot runs.
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID Auth0 client ID.
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET Auth0 client secret.
AUTH0_AUDIENCE Auth0 audience.
GRANT_TYPE Grant type.
AUTH0_USERNAME Auth0 username.
AUTH0_PASSWORD Auth0 pasword.
AUTH0_DOMAIN Auth0 domain.


El robot de






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