Saigon University ,Faculty of Information Technology ,Major in Software Engineering
ID | Full Name
3120410278 Nguyen Thanh Quynh Linh
The application was built to help users take notes on daily work and plan future projects
* React
* Scss
* Redux Toolkit
* Material UI
* Fontawesome
* TippyJs
* Login / Register / Logout
* Allows users to add 1 task (add due date, add notification, add to task category by level)
* Allows users to edit/delete a job from the list
* Sort tasks by filter (Filter by completed tasks, by category (Red, Orange, Green) => (High, Medium, Low), unclassified tasks
* Allows users to reselect recently completed work
Home Page | Introduce Page |
Login Page | Overview Page |
Demo Page | MyDay Page |