L'ultimo_Spicchio is an online pizza ordering platform that provides users with a convenient and efficient means of placing their pizza orders and specifying their desired delivery locations. The website boasts a user-friendly interface, allowing customers to easily browse through an extensive menu of delectable pizzas and select their desired toppings, sizes, and quantities.
Internet Access
On your computer open terminal and run:
git clone https://github.com/qurriahSam/pizzaRestaurant.git
Semantic HTML5 Markup - Has been used to build the structure of the page.
CSS Custom properties - Has been used to style the landing page.
JavaScript - Has been used to create the business logic.
Bootstrap - Has been used for styling the navbar and other elements on the landingpage.
JQuery - Has been used for javascript Functionality
- Live Site URL: L’ultimo_Spicchio
MIT License.
Linked - Sam Kuria