Currently, the SBB entity linking system uses a knowledge-base that is derived from Wikidata and Wikipedia.
First identification of relevant entities is performed by running SPARQL queries on wikidata (Beware! In order to do this you need to set up your own wikidata instance since the query time limit of prevents us from running these queries directly on their instance.) See Makefile.wikidata for details.
Once all the relevant entities have been identified, related text material with ground-truth, i.e., human annotated entity links, is extracted from wikipedia and processed such that it can be used during training and application of the entity linking system. See Makefile.wikipedia for that part of the processing chain. This part also contains build rules for the wikipedia sqlite database files to start with.
If you want to avoid setup of your own Wikidata instance and re-extraction of the knowledge-bases, you might want to look at the ready-to-use knowledge-bases for german, french and english that can be downloaded at
Beware: The archive file contains the required models as well as the knowledge bases for german, french and english, altogether roughly 30GB!!!
Clone this project and the SBB-utils.
Setup virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Upgrade pip:
pip install -U pip
Install packages together with their dependencies in development mode:
pip install -e sbb_utils
pip install -e sbb_knowledge-base
run-sparql --help
run-sparql [OPTIONS] OUT_FILE
Runs a SPARQL query QUERY on ENDPOINT and saves the results as pickled
pandas DataFrame in OUT_FILE.
--endpoint TEXT SPARQL endpoint. Default
--query TEXT SPARQL query.
--query-file PATH Read query from file
--analytic Run query in analytic mode (Blazegraph specific).
--demo Run demo query.
--lang TEXT Replace __LANG__ in query by this value. Default: empty.
--site TEXT Replace __SITE__ in query by this value. Default: empty.
--help Show this message and exit.
extract-wiki-full-text-sqlite --help
Usage: extract-wiki-full-text-sqlite [OPTIONS] WIKIPEDIA_XML_FILE SQLITE_FILE
Takes a wikipedia xml multistream dump file, extracts page_id, page_title
and page_text of each article and writes that information into a sqlite
WIKIPEDIA_XML_FILE: wikipedia multistream xml dump of all pages.
SQLITE_FILE: result file.
--chunk-size INTEGER size of parquet chunks. default:2*10**4
--help Show this message and exit.
tag-wiki-entities2sqlite --help
Usage: tag-wiki-entities2sqlite [OPTIONS] FULLTEXT_SQLITE ALL_ENTITIES_FILE
FULLTEXT_SQLITE: SQLITE file that contains the per article fulltext. (see
ALL_ENTITIES_FILE: pickle file that contains a pandas dataframe that
describes the entities (see extract-wiki-ner-entities).
WIKIPEDIA_SQLITE_FILE: sqlite3 dump of wikipedia that contains the
redirect table.
TAGGED_SQLITE: result sqlite file. The file provides per article access to
the fulltext where all relevant entities according to ALL_ENTITIES_FILE
have been tagged.
--processes INTEGER number of parallel processes. default: 6.
--help Show this message and exit.
compute-apriori-probs --help
Usage: compute-apriori-probs [OPTIONS] SQLITE_FILE
Compute the a-priori probabilities for all entities based on the number of
links that relate to each entity versus the total number of links in the
sentence database.
SQLITE_FILE: sqlite3 sentence database that contains an "entities" as well
as an related "links" table.
Adds a new "proba" column to the entities table that contains the a-priori
--processes INTEGER number of parallel processes. default: 8.
--help Show this message and exit.
Note: We now perform entity identification by running SPARQL queries on wikidata. Therefore this tool is not used any more in the knowledge base extraction.
extract-wiki-ner-entities --help
Usage: extract-wiki-ner-entities [OPTIONS] SQLITE3_FILE ENTITY_FILE
Runs recursively through the super categories "Organisation",
"Geographisches Objekt", "Frau", "Mann" in order to determine all ORG,
LOC, PER entities from the german wikipedia.
SQLITE3_FILE: German Wikipedia database as sqlite3 file.
==>REQUIRED tables: page, categorylinks, redirects.
ENTITY_FILE: Result file. Contains a pickled pandas DataFrame with all
PER,LOC and ORG entities. For other non-german languages, ENTITY_FILE can
be mapped via wikidata-QIDs (see wikidatamapping).
--help Show this message and exit.
Note: We now perform entity identification by running SPARQL queries on wikidata. Therefore this tool is not used any more in the knowledge base extraction.
wikidatamapping --help
OUTPUT_DIR: directory to write result files
LANGUAGES: string that contains the language identifiers of all the
wikipedia's in correct order, separated by '|'. Example: 'DE|FR|EN'
ENTITY_FILE: Pickled DataFrame contains the considered entities (created
by extract-wiki-ner-entities).
ENTITY_WIKIPEDIA: The wikipedia sqlite database file from where the
ENTITY_FILE has been obtained.
OTHER_WIKIPEDIAS: List of wikipedia sqlite database files of other
languages that should be mapped onto the ENTITY_FILE.
OUTPUT: wikidata-mapping.pkl: pickled DataFrame containing the mapping
plus single per language entity files, for instance:
--help Show this message and exit.