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Crossplatform all-in-one INI-file parser, written on C++ with STL. Supports subsections, multiline values, arrays, maps and file inclusions.


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Leksys' INI Parser

Crossplatform all-in-one INI-file parser, written on C++ with STL

|   _         _                  _   ___ _   _ ___ ____                              |
|  | |    ___| | _____ _   _ ___( ) |_ _| \ | |_ _|  _ \ __ _ _ __ ___  ___ _ __     |
|  | |   / _ \ |/ / __| | | / __|/   | ||  \| || || |_) / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__|    |
|  | |__|  __/   <\__ \ |_| \__ \    | || |\  || ||  __/ (_| | |  \__ \  __/ |       |
|  |_____\___|_|\_\___/\__, |___/   |___|_| \_|___|_|   \__,_|_|  |___/\___|_|       |
|                      |___/                                                         |
|                                                                                    |


  • Residents in single file - iniparser.hpp. Simply include it to your project and use
  • Crossplatform (Windows & POSIX)
  • Nice and easy-to-use C++ interface
  • Extends standart INI interface with:
    • Arrays (comma-separated values, i.e: "val1, val2, val3")
    • Maps (comma-separated pairs, i.e.: "key1:value, key2: value")
    • Nested sections (i.e.: "[parent.child]")
    • Nested arrays and maps (i.e.: "val1,{val2.1,val2.2},{k31:v31, k32:v32}")
    • File includes (;#include <file_path>)
  • Can be used to save and load any user-defined classes, as long as stream operators are provided
  • Supports multilines
  • Loads & saves comments
  • MIT license


Include provided iniparser.hpp to your C++ project and that is all. In your code you can use different ways to set and get values, as shown below

#include <iostream>
#include "iniparser.hpp"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	int ival;
	double dval;
	// Creating ini file object
	INI::File ft;
	// Loading from file
	if (!ft.Load("settings.ini"))
		// Loading from stream
		std::ifstream op("opts.ini",std::ios::in);
		if (op.is_open())
			op >> ft;
	// Set "value1" in section "Main" to 20
	// get "value1" from section "Main". If there is no such entry return default value 1
	ival = ft.GetSection("Main")->GetValue("value1",1).AsInt();
	// get "value2" from section "Main", defaulting to 2
	ival = ft.GetValue("Main:value2",2).AsInt();
	// set "value1" in subsection "subsect" of section "Main"
	// get "value1" from subsection "subsect" of section "Main"
	dval = ft.GetSection("Main")->GetSubSection("subsect")->GetValue("value1").AsDouble();
	// set 4th element of array "array" in section "Main" to 32.1
	// get 4th element of array "array" in section "Main"
	dval = ft.GetSection("Main")->GetValue("array").AsArray()[4].AsDouble();
	// iterate over all sections in file
	for (INI::File::sections_iter it = ft.SectionsBegin(); it != ft.SectionsEnd(); ++it)
		std::cout << "Section name: " << it->first << std::endl;
		INI::Section* sect = it->second;
		// iterate over all entries in specific section
		for (INI::Section::values_iter it2 = sect->ValuesBegin(); it2 != sect->ValuesEnd(); ++it2)
			std::cout << "Entry name: " << it2->first << ", Entry value: " 
					  << it2->second.AsString() << std::endl;
	// output to INI file
	// output to stream
	std::cout << ft;

Look in provided test_app.cpp for more examples of using Leksys' IniParser, for example how to get and set comments, how to work with maps and how to save and load your classes.

INI file syntax

Leksys' parser supports extended ini file syntax with comments, multilines, arrays, maps, subsections and inclusions. Check below.

; Comment line
; File inclusion. Absolute or relative path can be used
;#include settings2.ini
; simple line
global_int = 1
; multiline
global_str = Hello! This is just a sample string \
             That is multiline \
             Simple as that

; Section
int      = 1                                 ; Integer value
double   = 2.303                             ; Double value
str      = Hello! This is string!            ; String
bool     = true                              ; Boolean value
array    = 1, 202.56, String with space, 5   ; Array
cmp_arr  = {12,3}, {13,5}, {18,9}            ; Array of arrays
cmp_arr2 = a, b, {, String with ,}           ; Array with string, cont. separator
cmp_arr3 = a, b, /, String with /,           ; Same as array cmp_arr2
cmp_arr3 = a, b, String with /{ and /}       ; Array with string, cont. braces
map      = 1:5, 1:3, 2:9, 3:10               ; Map
cmp_map  = a:{1,5,7}, b: {str1, {2,3}}       ; Complex map with arrays as values
cmp_map2 = a:{String with ,,}, b: String     ; Map with string, cont. separator
cmp_map3 = a:String with /,/,, b: String     ; Same as cmp_map2
cmp_map3 = a:String with /{ and /}, b: Str   ; Map with string, cont. braces

; Subsection (Sub1 is considered subsection of section Main)
ret      = String
ret2     = 201

; File contents of included file will be placed here
;#include settings/sub2.ini

Building Test Application

You can build test application to test parser's work. You need to install CMake before building test_app. CMake binary for your platform can be found at:

POSIX (Linux, QNX, FreeBSD, MacOS)

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake <this_file_dir>
$ make


Use cmake-gui application for building project files for your IDE. Alternatively, if you want to build project for Visual Studio, you can do it directly from the console in true-Linux style =):

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake <this_file_dir>
$ %VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat
$ nmake

Note, that for Visual Studio 10.0 (2010) environment variable will be %VS100COMNTOOLS% and so on.

Running Test Application

  1. Simply start application and ensure, that 10 first tests pass.
  2. Start application with parameters:
    -i <this_file_dir>/ini-test/test1.ini -o out_file.ini
    and ensure that file <application_dir>/out_file.ini contains all the stuff from ini files in test directory


MIT license


Crossplatform all-in-one INI-file parser, written on C++ with STL. Supports subsections, multiline values, arrays, maps and file inclusions.







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  • C++ 99.8%
  • CMake 0.2%