"Yuggoth... is a strange dark orb at the very rim of our solar system... There are mighty cities on Yuggoth-great tiers of terraced towers built of black stone... The sun shines there no brighter than a star, but the beings need no light. They have other subtler senses, and put no windows in their great houses and temples..."
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The Whisperer in Darkness"
Yuggoth is a blog engine which used to power my site at http://yogthos.net I recently moved my blog over to use the excellent Cryogen static site generator.
- RSS feed
- tags
- markdown in posts and comments with preview
- bloom filter search
- syntax highlighting using highlight.js
- file uploads and management through web UI
- latest comments view
- throttling
- content caching
- localization
The blog requires an instance of postgreSQL. On the first run the blog will guide you through setting up the db connection properties and create the necessary tables for you. Then you will be presented with the setup wizard that will allow you to configure the administrator and the blog title. Further configuration can be done on the profile page.
to run in development mode
lein cljsbuild auto dev
lein ring server
to package for release
lein cljsbuild clean
lein cljsbuild once release
lein ring uberjar
to make a deployable WAR replace uberjar
with uberwar
The standalone jar can be run using java -jar
java -jar target/yuggoth-1.0-standalone.jar
To specify a different port you can either pass it as an argument or put it in the $PORT
environment variable
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
Copyright (C) 2012 Yogthos