gRPC OpenTelemetry Protocol support for traces
gRPC OpenTelemetry Protocol support for logs
Control plane (indexing tasks scheduling)
Ingest API rate limiter
Pulsar source
VRL transform for data sources
REST API enhanced to fully manage indexes, sources, and splits
OpenAPI specification and swagger UI for all REST available endpoints
Large responses from REST API can be compressed
Add bulk stage splits method to metastore
MacOS M1 binary
Doc mapping field names starting with _ are now valid
Fix UI index completion on search page
Fix CLI index describe command to show stats on published splits
Fix REST API to always return on error a body formatted as {"message": "error message"}
Fixed REST status code when deleting unexisting index, source and when fetching splits on unexisting index
Source config schema (breaking or not? use serde rename to be not breaking?)
RocksDB replaced by mrecordlog to store ingest API queues records
(Breaking) Indexing partition key new DSL
(Breaking) Helm chart updated with the new CLI
(Breaking) CLI indexes, sources, and splits commands use the REST API
(Breaking) Index new format: you need to reindex all your data
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