Build and publish container images #70
on: schedule
Build/publish containers
1 error
Build/publish containers
Error: buildah exited with code 1
Resolved "rockylinux" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:9088cdb84e397c480d4c5f1675d1aa6928c3e8b5b30c57b68a756d5d1fda4d80
Copying blob sha256:9088cdb84e397c480d4c5f1675d1aa6928c3e8b5b30c57b68a756d5d1fda4d80
Copying config sha256:c79048e50f5fce116723442952adf4f5258455a1665bbc64aa65469abe9ead90
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Importing GPG key 0x6D745A60:
Userid : "Release Engineering <[email protected]>"
Fingerprint: 7051 C470 A929 F454 CEBE 37B7 15AF 5DAC 6D74 5A60
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rockyofficial
Error: Unable to find a match: perl-Test-Quattor
error building at STEP "RUN dnf install -y maven which rpm-build panc ncm-lib-blockdevices ncm-ncd git libselinux-utils sudo perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 perl-Data-Compare perl-Date-Manip perl-File-Touch perl-JSON-Any perl-Net-DNS perl-Net-FreeIPA perl-Net-OpenNebula perl-Net-OpenStack-Client perl-NetAddr-IP perl-REST-Client perl-Set-Scalar perl-Text-Glob cpanminus gcc wget perl-Git-Repository perl-Data-Structure-Util perl-Test-Quattor aii-ks procps-ng rpm-build": error while running runtime: exit status 1
time="2024-12-01T03:07:01Z" level=error msg="exit status 1"