Cloudhome is built for everyone especially who loves travelling and is looking for affordable homestays in vactions . Cloudhome is where you can be a host or customer.
Testable final product: expo-link
- You can use the account below for testing purpose:
username: testuser1234
password: testuser1234
- Expo CLI
- Node.js Package Manager
-As a normal user :
- I can login or register to the application.
- I can click to each place image to know more information about that place.
- I can save a place that I am interested in .
- I can upload an avatar and update it .
- I can update my profile.
- I can see the list of my bookings
-As a host, I am granted more privileges :
- I can post places for rent
- I can update my media and delete them.
- User registration and authentication.
- Browsing, searching and viewing media.
- Comments/liking media.
- Uploading user's avatar.
- Reviewing a place.
- Booking a place.
- Saving/unsaving media.
- Updating profile information.
-Library: React
-Frameworks: React Native, Native Base
-Language: Javascript
-Other technologies: Expo CLI, CSS, npm
- Database: Metropolia UAS database
- Clone the respo:
git clone
- Install packages:
npm install
- Launch:
npm start