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Natural Selection Model

⚠️ This package is currently in BETA and not feature complete. This means breaking changes to the api may be made at any time. Be careful when upgrading!! Follow the progress toward feature completion here and keep up to date on work in progress here.


@TODO add introduction


@TODO add installation instructions




A Player in this simulation represents a single living unit. A Player has the following properties:

On any given turn, a Player will may perform one or more of the following actions:


The Ground is the plane in which all Players and Food interact with each other.




Each Player will have some amount of Energy when they are created. This Energy will then be consumed while the Player moves. If a Player has no energy left, then that Player will be considered Dead.

Energy consumption of uses the following formula energyConsumption = mass * speed ^2 * sense.

A Player may replenish their available Energy by eating one of the following:

  • Moving to a piece of Food on the Ground. The Player will gain the amount of Energy defined by the Food in the energyAdditionForFood property.
  • Moving to a another Player at least 20% smaller than the Player. The Player eating will gain the Energy the Player being eaten has remaining. Player eating not implemented yet see #22

Time To Live

Each Player may have a Time To Live property. This dictates the maximum number of turns the Player will be an interactive movable entity on the ground. If the Player has not died before this number of turns, this Player will be killed.

The Time To Live property is set at the beginning of the simulation, and does not change during the simulation.


The number of actions that a Player will perform in a given turn. E.g. A Player with 1 speed will perform 1 action per turn, a Player with 2 speed will perform 2 actions per turn.

An action can be one of the following

  • Move. A Player can change it's position on the board.
  • Eat. A Player may consume a consumable entity.
  • Reproduce. A Player may reproduce, and add 1 child to the board.





When a player runs out of Energy, reaches its Time To Live or is eaten by another player.


You may use the following parameters to configure different aspects of the simulation. The following options can be varied both in the cli command and programatically via the library.


The following parameters display meta data about the simulation engine

Name Description Required Type Default Value
version Display the version number of the cli tool. false boolean false
help Display help. false boolean false


The following parameters affect the general simulation

Name Description Required Type Default Value
width The width of the ground the players will move around in.
The width defines how many turns a player with 1 speed will take to cross from the left most position to the right most position on the ground
A player with 1 speed will take 10 turns to move from the left edge to the right edge of a ground of width 10.
false number 10
height The height of the ground the players will move around in.
The height defines how many turns a player with 1 speed will take to cross from the top most position to the bottom most position on the ground
A player with 1 speed will take 10 turns to move from the top edge to the bottom edge of a ground of width 10.
false number 10
maxNumOfTurns The maximum number of turns to simulate.
The simulation will terminate if either this number of turns is reached, or no players are left on the board.
A "turn" is defined as complete when all players on the board have performed actions that correspond to their speed.
A player with 1 speed will complete 1 action in a turn. A player with 2 speed, will complete 2 actions in the same turn
false number 10000


The following parameters affect players and their properties

Name Description Required Type Default Value
initalNumOfPlayers The number of players on the ground on the first turn. These players will be put in random positions on the ground. false number 10
startingPlayerEnergy The amount of energy a newly created player starts with. false number 1000
startingPlayerSpeed The initial speed of all the players on the ground. false number 1

Time To Live

The following parameters affect players life length

Name Description Required Type Default Value
useTimeToLive Should a player have a time to live. If this is not set, then a player lives until their energy runs out. false boolean true
defaultPlayerTimeToLive The mamimum number of turns a player can be alive for. Is only respected if useTimeToLive is set. false number 100


The following parameters affect players ability to see things around them on the board

Name Description Required Type Default Value
useSense Should players be able to see what is around them. If not set, the player always moves in a random direction. false boolean true
defaultSense How many positions around the players on the ground on the first turn should be able so see. false number 1
mutateSense Should a child player sense mutate from their parent during reproducton. false boolean true


The following parameters affect players movements

Name Description Required Type Default Value
startingPlayerSpeed The speed of players on the ground on the first turn. false number 1
shouldMutateSpeed Should a child player speed mutate from their parent during reproducton. false boolean true


The following parameters affect food and their properties

Name Description Required Type Default Value
initialNumOfFood The number of pieces of food on the ground on the first turn. This food will be put in random positions on the ground. false number 10
numOfTurnsBetweenFood The number of turns between addition on new food to the ground. The amount of food added will be dependant on the initialNumOfFood parameter. false number 1000
energyAdditionForFood The amount of energy a player gains from eating this food.
A player with 1 energy eating food with energyAdditionForFood 10 will end up with 11 energy.
false number 1000


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Modelling Natural Selection



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