A starter template for building complete application using Node.js and Vue.js with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly.
There are two parts of this project, backend api
and single page frontend application
and Each part is contained in the respective folder.
Major packages inlcuded and configured (as required)
- Sequelize configures to read models from directory, just add new models and sequelize will load it.
- Authentication already setup using JSONWebToken for nodejs
- Add custom route endpoints
Please note that by default this application is configured to use SQL server, by doing minor changes you can easily switch to DB of your choice. Details
- Preconfigured axios for jwt authentication
- Automatic page & ajax progress bars
- Persistent login & register implemented using vuex & vue-router
- Bootswatch for themes
- Webpack dev & build server cofigured (with linting)
- stylus enabled
- some vue-mixins for authentication/user info