Description and`s DEMO
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.3.1
CircleSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "CircleSlider"
The class file required for CircleSlider is located in the Classes folder in the root of this repository as listed below:
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
self.circleSlider = CircleSlider(frame: self.sliderArea.bounds, options: nil)
self.circleSlider?.addTarget(self, action: Selector("valueChange:"), forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
let options = [
.BarColor(UIColor(red: 198/255, green: 244/255, blue: 23/255, alpha: 0.2)),
.ThumbColor(UIColor(red: 141/255, green: 185/255, blue: 204/255, alpha: 1)),
.TrackingColor(UIColor(red: 78/255, green: 136/255, blue: 185/255, alpha: 1)),
self.circleSlider = CircleSlider(frame: self.sliderArea.bounds, options: options)
self.circleSlider?.addTarget(self, action: Selector("valueChange:"), forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
case StartAngle(Double)
case BarColor(UIColor)
case TrackingColor(UIColor)
case ThumbColor(UIColor)
case ThumbImage(UIImage)
case BarWidth(CGFloat)
case ThumbWidth(CGFloat)
case MaxValue(Float)
case MinValue(Float)
case SliderEnabled(Bool)
- If you want to use as a progress, it should be this to false
case ViewInset(CGFloat)
case MinMaxSwitchTreshold(Float)
shushutochako, [email protected]
CircleSlider is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.