Version v1.14.0 (2019/12/22)
Issues Closed
- Issue 242 - AreaDefinition.get_lonlats ignores dtype option (PR 243)
- Issue 233 - get_neighbour_info can not handle SwathDefinitions with lat lon of type integers (PR 235)
- Issue 229 - Update old documentation on easy quicklook display (stop using rainbow color map!) (PR 230)
- Issue 228 - Area definition boundaries where space pixels are excluded
In this release 4 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
Bugs fixed
- PR 245 - Remove pyximports from gradient search
- PR 243 - Respect dtype when get_lonlats provide dask array (242)
- PR 241 - Fix typo in ImageContainerQuick and ImageContainerNearest docs
- PR 236 - Fix compatibility with pyproj 2.4.2
- PR 227 - Fix EWA resampling hanging when geolocation had a lot of NaNs
- PR 224 - Fix deprecation warning for abc classes
Features added
- PR 230 - No rainbow update documentation (229)
- PR 225 - Add smarter default radius_of_influence to XArrayResamplerNN resampling
- PR 222 - Make the uniform shape computation more effective for dask arrays
- PR 191 - Implement gradient search resampling method
Documentation changes
- PR 241 - Fix typo in ImageContainerQuick and ImageContainerNearest docs
- PR 238 - Update load_area docstring to mention that multiple files are allowed
- PR 230 - No rainbow update documentation (229)
In this release 13 pull requests were closed.