PYTHON SUPPORTED VERSIONS CHANGE: Please note that Kazoo no longer tests
on Python 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5. Tested versions are 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and PyPy.
- CI: Keep only Python 3.{6,7} to CI and bump ZK versions to latests (#574) (c293aabf)
- core:
- recipe: add support for curator SharedCount recipe (#559) (88b657a0, closes #558)
- utils: extend create_tcp_connection utility (#568) (ab0cd00c)
Bug Fixes
- CI: deploying only for 1 job (0ba3634d)
- core:
- recipe: crash if None in znode (#569) (ded79467)
- tests:
- Disable JAAS isInitiator for Server (933b38b5)
- deactivate TCP port that was enabled by default. (d7bed550)
- capitalize the default_domain value (7fd22bfd)
- weaker crypto when configuring Kerberos (844df87a)
- prefix with toxinidir variable with a / to ensure path to ensure-zookeeper-env.sh is correct (c4d42ca7)
- specify -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 when starting the ZK JVM (5764da0b)