py-postgresql is a Python 3 package providing modules for working with PostgreSQL. Primarily, a high-level driver for querying databases.
While py-postgresql is still usable for many purposes, asyncpg and PostgREST are likely more suitable for most applications:
py-postgresql, currently, does not have direct support for high-level async interfaces provided by recent versions of Python. Future versions may change this.
In v2.0, many, potentially breaking, changes are planned. If you have automated installations using PyPI, make sure that they specify a major version.
- Support for older versions of PostgreSQL and Python will be removed. This will allow the driver to defer version parsing fixing (#109), and better prepare for future versions.
- The connection establishment strategy will be simplified to only performing one attempt.
parameter should be considered deprecated. v1.4 will provide a new security parameter implyingsslmode=require
. See (#122) and (#75). - StoredProcedure will be removed. See (#80).
From PyPI using pip
python3 -m pip install py-postgresql
From GitHub using a full clone:
git clone
cd fe
python3 ./ install
import postgresql
db ='pq://user:password@host:port/database')
get_table = db.prepare("SELECT * from information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = $1")
# Streaming, in a transaction.
with db.xact():
for x in get_table.rows("tables"):
REPL with connection bound to db
python3 -m postgresql.bin.pg_python -I 'pq://postgres@localhost:5423/postgres'