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GitHub Branching Workflow

Bryant E. McDonnell edited this page Sep 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

Major, Minor, and Patch Branches

This wiki page describes the branching workflow for the project. There are multiple branches with ongoing development.

  • master branch tracks the USEPA GitHub current release.
  • develop represents the next major or minor release (For Example dev-5.2.0).
  • dev-x.x.x represents the ongoing patches to toward the next patch release (For Example x.x.13).

The master branch will be regularly updated to synchronize with the USEPA's master. As USEPA has a central consolidation role in this project, other entities outside of OpenWaterAnalytics could submit changes directly to USEPA. Updates from the USEPA repository will be regularly cascaded down into the the develop and dev-x.x.x branches.

Project/Feature Branches

Project (or feature) branches will be around for much shorter periods. The project branches generally represent a major collection of functions to the project. Work from these branches will be brought in at a semi-regular interval. The code will be submitted with the next Major/Minor OWA release.

  • inputapi will include the future input API to SWMM.
  • toolkitapi branch is currently here for legacy purposes.

Unofficial Releases

The OpenWaterAnalytics members will work to get on a semi-regular release schedule. Contributions accepted herein will be eligible for USEPA review in a pull request. If/when contributions are accepted by USEPA, the contributions will be likely set for the next USEPA Official Release.