pydy-viz has been merged into the main pydy repository. This independent project is now deprecated, all development and subsequent releases will be from
Visualization of multibody systems generated with PyDy.
This package relies on dependencies included in the SciPy stack (i.e. NumPy and matplotlib). These packages are not necessarily easy to install from source, so it is best to follow the instructions available on the SciPy installation page.
One example of installing the setuptools, NumPy, and matplotlib dependencies for Debian based Linux systems is to install from the apt package manager:
$ apt-get install python-setuptools python-numpy python-matplotlib
Once the dependencies are installed, then download the source and install with:
$ python install
This will automatically install the latest version of the final dependency SymPy if needed.
Note that pydy-viz is currently only tested on Python 2.7.
The Python tests require nose so get them with your package manager:
$ apt-get python-nose python-coverage
or pip:
$ pip install nose coverage
The tests can be run from the root directory with:
$ nosetests
And to see more detail with coverage, run:
$ nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-package=pydy_viz
These are alternative ways to run the Python tests:
$ bin/test $ python nosetests
The documentation is hosted at but you can also build them from source using the following instructions:
- Sphinx
- numpydoc
pip install sphinx numpydoc
To build the HTML docs:
$ sphinx-build -b html docs/src docs/build
$ firefox docs/build/index.html
- Initial release.