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Paweł Waligóra edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 2 revisions


server for minimalistic RTS game

server is linux only will build and run only on linux

Building with CMake

Configure project:

mkdir build
cd build 
cmake ..

Once configuration is successful build project with avaliable tool for example


Running server

./mini-rts-server <port> [config file]

Configuring server

[config file] can adjust game rules. [config file] consists of name value pairs.

Available values:

  • maxPlayers - how many players can play at once [default: 16]
  • millis - duration of one game step [default: 200]
  • boardX - x dimention of the board [default: 256]
  • boardY - y dimention of the board[default: 256]
  • startResources - how many resources to spawn at the start of the game [default: 25]
  • unitsToWin - how many units player has to aquire to win the game [default: 50]
  • resourceHp - starting hit points of every new resource
  • unitHp - starting hit points of every new unit
  • unitDamage - how much damage do units deal on every attack


millis 3000
maxPlayers 2
unitsToWin 2
startResources 8
boardX 5
boardY 5
resourceHp 20
unitHp 20
unitDamage 5

Pair can appear in any order. If pair not listed default value will be used.

Comunicating with server

Each message must start with one byte that designates the type of the message. Some messages consist of only type character others contain more data.

Message types

From client

  • n <name> \n - set name or rename self
  • j \n - request join (player will be sent to game room or queue)
  • q \n - request quit (player will be removed from game room or queue, can still rejoin with j)
  • m <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> \n - request unit to move (<x1><y1> are coordinates of the unit, <x2><y2> designate destination)
  • a <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> \n - request unit to move (<x1><y1> are coordinates of the unit, <x2><y2> coordinates of the target unit) (possible to attack own units)
  • d <x1> <y1> \n - request unit to mine the resource (<x1><y1> are coordinates of the unit) (unit can only mine resource that it is standing on)

From server

  • g <boardX> <boardY> <unitsToWin> \n - player was sent to game room (in response to: j), <board x dim>, <board y dim> and <unitsToWin> same as in [config file]
  • q \n - player was sent to queue (in response to: j)
  • y \n - client request accepted (in response to: n)
  • n \n - client request denied (in response to: j or n)
  • L \n - client lost the game (and was moved out of game room)
  • W \n - client won the game (and was moved out of game room)

Board state update

Board state update is sent to all players in the game room in regular time intervals

Structure as follows:

p <amount of players> ;
<player 1 name> <amount of units of player1> ,
<id> <x posion> <y position> <hp> ,
<id> <x posion> <y position> <hp> , ;
<player N name> <amount of units of playerN> ,
<id> <x posion> <y position> <hp> ,
<id> <x posion> <y position> <hp> , ; \n
r <amount of fields with resource> ;
<x posion> <y position> <hp> ;
<x posion> <y position> <hp> ; \n

Numbers are represented as strings of characters (97 ---> "97" not 'a').