A task for managing Azure Active Directory B2C Identity Experience Framework. The task allows you to manage Keysets and Policies.
This task can be used to do the following.
- Keyset
- Create: Create a new trustFrameworkKeySet.
- Delete: Delete a trustFrameworkKeySet.
- Generate: Generate a trustFrameworkKey and a secret automatically in the trustFrameworkKeyset.
- UploadCertificate: Upload a base-64 encoded certificate to a trustFrameworkKeyset.
- UploadPkcs12: Upload a PKCS12 format key (PFX) to a trustFrameworkKeyset.
- UploadSecret: Upload a plain text secret to a trustFrameworkKeyset.
- Policy
- Delete: Delete a set of trustFrameworkPolicies.
- Upload: Upload a set trustFrameworkPolicies in batches.
- command: The command to use.
- action: The action to perform.
- policies: A directory containing all of the Trust Framework policies.
- serviceConnection: The name of a generic service connection from which the client id and client secret can be derived. The App Registration should belong to the same tenant as tenantId, with scopes Policy.ReadWrite.All.
- tenantId: The AAD B2C tenant ID.