Stack-safe recursion schemes through
dissectible data
structures. This package provides the same API that
has minus the Recursive
/ Corecursive
type classes, distributive
laws, and generalized recursion schemes that make use of said laws.
Using spago
$ spago install ssrs
or if not present within the current package set, add it to
let upstream =
let overrides = {=}
let additions =
{ dissect =
{ dependencies = [ ... ] -- copy dependencies from spago.dhall
, repo = ""
, version = "<insert-desired-revision-here>"
in upstream // overrides // additions
I originally encountered the implementation of a tail-recursive catamorphism described in the paper Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right (Pearl): Dissecting Data Structures by Conor McBride. After a few more days of research, I eventually figured out how to transpose said algorithm from a catamorphism into an anamorphism, and subsequently, I've also synthesized a hylomorphism by fusing the two algorithms together.
For the greater family of recursion schemes however, I had a bit of help
using to derive them
from the cata
, ana
, and hylo
schemes. I've decided to compose the
other recursion schemes against these three instead defining them
specifically in order to reduce the overall size of the package.
Likewise, it's also easier to derive schemes these way as they generally
followed the common pattern of: turn this GAlgebra into an Algebra,
feed it into cata, and unwrap the result afterwards or turn this
GCoalgebra into a Coalgebra, wrap some input, then feed it into ana.
In the same vein as the quick primer to dissect, I'll be assuming that the reader has some familiarity working with fixed-point functors, recursion schemes, and dissections. Similarly, I won't dwell too much on explaining other concepts in-depth.
The original paper implements a tail-recursive catamorphism using four separate functions that form a tail-recursive loop. An optimizing compiler can take these four functions and identify the tail-recursion that forms within them.
cata ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ (p v → v) → Mu p → v
cata algebra t = load algebra t Nil
load ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ (p v → v) → Mu p → List (q v (Mu p)) → v
load algebra (In pt) stk = next algebra (right (Left pt)) stk
next ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ (p v → v) → Either (Tuple (Mu p) (q v (Mu p))) (p v) → List (q v (Mu p)) → v
next algebra (Left (t, pd)) stk = load algebra t (pd : stk)
next algebra (Right pv) stk = unload algebra (algebra pv) stk
unload ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ (p v → v) → v → List (q v (Mu p)) → v
unload algebra v (pd : stk) = next algebra (right (Right (pd, v))) stk
unload algebra v Nil = v
Unfortunately, PureScript is not one of those compilers (yet, but hopefully), and so I had to fuse them together to help the compiler with tail-call optimization. This definition is a bit terse, but I'll try to explain the intuition behind it in the next few paragraphs.
cata ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ Algebra p v → Mu p → v
cata algebra (In pt) = go (pluck pt) Nil
go :: Either (Tuple (Mu p) (q v (Mu p))) (p v) → List (q v (Mu p)) → v
go index stack =
case index of
Left (Tuple (In pt') pd) →
go (pluck pt') (pd : stack)
Right pv →
case stack of
(pd : stk) →
go (plant pd (algebra pv)) stk
Nil →
algebra pv
allows us to build iterative machines that model the traversal
of a recursive structure. What we've essentially done at this point is
model a catamorphism as an iterative machine that uses a stack for its
state. Before we proceed further, let's take a look at our toolkit and
how we can use it to build an iterative catamorphism machine from
We have some recursive data type
Mu p ~ p (Mu p)
, and an algebrap v → v
. -
We want to take
Mu p ~ p (Mu p)
and pluck all seats ofMu p
and plant the resulting holes withv
. This allows us to then call our algebra on the resultingp v
. -
When plucking a
Mu p ~ p (Mu p)
we end up with two choices:-
We receive a fruit
Mu p ~ p (Mu p)
and a dissectionq v (Mu p)
. We have to process this fruit as we did in in step 2, and store the dissection somewhere until we can fill it with the processed fruit. -
We receive a flower
p v
that we can call our algebra on, giving us av
. We can then use this value to fill in the dissections that we've stored in step 3.1 or if we have none, we can simply return the value.
If this sounds like an iterative traversal of a tree to you, then you're gaining the right intuition, otherwise, it's good to know at this point in time. Iterative traversals make use of a stack in order to keep track of items being visited at each level. What we're interested in however is storing dissections in the stack and popping them out once we have the appropriate values to fill them in with later.
Let's contextualize this into a specific type:
data TreeF n = Leaf | Fork n n
type Tree = Mu TreeF
Suppose that we have the following structure and an empty stack:
Fork [ Fork [ Leaf - Leaf ] - Leaf ]
Stack []
By calling pluck
on this structure, we dissect it into two parts. For
now, we push the dissection onto the stack.
> pluck $ Fork [ Fork [ Leaf - Leaf ] - Leaf ]
Fork [ Leaf - Leaf ], Fork [ () - Leaf ]
> push $ Fork [ () - Leaf ]
Stack [ Fork [ () - Leaf ] ]
We then call pluck
on the result, and we end up with another
dissection that we have to push.
> pluck $ Fork [ Leaf - Leaf ]
Leaf, Fork [ () - Leaf ]
> push $ Fork [ () - Leaf ]
Stack [ Fork [ () - Leaf ]
, Fork [ () - Leaf ]
We call pluck
again on the result, but this time, we reach a base case
that our algebra
gladly accepts. Furthermore, we can plant
value in the top-most dissection in our stack.
> pluck Leaf
> algebra Pv
> pop Stack
Fork [ () - Leaf ]
> plant $ Fork [ () - Leaf ] $ V
Leaf, Fork [ V - () ]
By planting a value, we get the next element to pluck and the next dissection to push. Since we receive yet another base case, we're able to plant it immediately to the top-most dissection. Finally, we've managed to replace all recursive seats and turn them into collapsed values. Likewise, we can call our algebra on this structure to collapse it further.
> push $ Fork [ V - () ]
Stack [ Fork [ () - Leaf ]
, Fork [ V - () ]
> pluck Leaf
> algebra Pv
> pop $ Stack
Fork [ V - () ]
> plant $ Fork [ V - () ] $ V
Fork [ V - V ]
> algebra $ Fork [ V - V ]
We're not quite done yet however, as we still have items in the stack. I'll let the pseudo-REPL do the talking from here on, but in the end of this session, we should have our final result.
> pop $ Stack
Fork [ () - Leaf ]
> plant $ Fork [ () - Leaf ] $ V
Leaf, Fork [ V - () ]
> push $ Fork [ V - () ]
Stack [ Fork [ V - () ]
> pluck Leaf
> algebra Pv
> pop $ Stack
Fork [ V - () ]
> plant $ Fork [ V - () ] $ V
Fork [ V - V ]
> algebra $ Fork [ V - V ]
We can express this imperative algorithm in pseudocode like so.
LET Index = Pluck(Start)
LET Stack = []
IF Index IS [Next, Hole]
Push(Hole, Stack)
Index = Pluck(Next)
ELSE IF Index IS Base
IF Pop(Stack) IS Hole
Index = Plant(Hole, Algebra(Base))
DONE Algebra(Base)
Traditionally, catamorphisms can be implemented as a series of function
compositions that go from Mu p
into a v
. The code block below adopts the Haskell definition listed
in Recursion Schemes, Part II: A Mob of
Note that in order to actually work with this definition, we'd have to
perform some indirection as to not implicit perform left-recursion in
; see the implementation in
for more details.
cata :: forall f a. Functor f => (f a -> a) -> (Mu f -> a)
cata f = unwrap >>> fmap (cata f) >>> f
Anamorphisms are the dual of catamorphisms; likewise, their coalgebras and algebras are also duals. If we flip all relevant arrows in this definition, we end up with:
ana :: forall f a. Functor a => (a -> f a) -> (a -> Mu f)
ana f = wrap <<< fmap (ana f) <<< f
We can apply the same principle with our iterative catamorphic machine.
If we contextualize flipping the arrows in our implementation, we find
out that replacing all instances of Mu p
unwrapping is replaced with a
call to coalgebra
, while all calls to algebra
are replaced with
Mu p
ana ∷ ∀ p q v. Dissect p q ⇒ Coalgebra p v → v → Mu p
ana coalgebra seed = go (pluck (coalgebra seed)) Nil
go :: Either (Tuple v (q (Mu p) v)) (p (Mu p)) → List (q (Mu p) v) → Mu p
go index stack =
case index of
Left (Tuple pt pd) →
go (pluck (coalgebra pt)) (pd : stack)
Right pv →
case stack of
(pd : stk) →
go (plant pd (In pv)) stk
Nil →
In pv
For the pseudocode:
LET Index = Pluck(Coalgebra(Seed))
LET Stack = []
IF Index IS [Next, Hole]
Push(Hole, Stack)
Index = Pluck(Coalgebra(Next))
ELSE IF Index IS Recr
IF Pop(Stack) IS Hole
Index = Plant(Hole, Mu(Recr))
DONE Mu(Recr)
Hylomorphisms can be defined as the composition of a catamorphism and an anamorphism. While convenient to define, we unfortunately have to pay the cost of keeping the entire intermediate structure built by the anamorphism before it can be folded by the catamorphism. We can alleviate this by "fusing" these two loops together to form a single tight loop. Our definition for an iterative hylomorphism machine looks like:
hylo ∷ ∀ p q v w. Dissect p q ⇒ Algebra p v → Coalgebra p w → w → v
hylo algebra coalgebra seed = go (pluck (coalgebra seed)) Nil
go :: Either (Tuple w (q v w)) (p v) → List (q v w) → v
go index stack =
case index of
Left (Tuple pt pd) →
go (pluck (coalgebra pt)) (pd : stack)
Right pv →
case stack of
(pd : stk) →
go (plant pd (algebra pv)) stk
Nil →
algebra pv
If we analyze the implementation, what we've done is replace the "planting" branch in our anamorphism with the branch that the catamorphism machine uses. In turn, we're able to unfold structures and fold them at each recursive level, instead of waiting for the entire recursive structure to unfold.
As for the pseudocode:
LET Index = Pluck(Coalgebra(Seed))
LET Stack = []
IF Index IS [Next, Hole]
Push(Hole, Stack)
Index = Pluck(Coalgebra(Next))
ELSE IF Index IS Base
IF Pop(Stack) IS Hole
Index = Plant(Hole, Algebra(Base))
DONE Algebra(Base)