Releases: pupunzi/jquery.mb.YTPlayer
jQuery.browser -> jQuery.mbBrowser
Introduced "noCookie" as an option. By default is set to true
The mb.YTPlayer is now using to serve videos.
If the video is set to "autoplay" and is not muted, instead of pausing it before the first user interaction it starts muted and turns on the audio with the first user interaction.
macOS Big Sur
Bugfix: With the latest macOS Big Sur system update the User-Agent has been changed and the OS detection was failing on Safari causing a blocking error.
• Bugfix: Fixed the timer label advise if more then one YTPlayer was initialized on the same page
• Bugfix: In all the cases that the YT API is loaded by another component the YTPlayer will force the APIReady event to make the player start anyway after a specific time defined in the options:
delayAtStart (bool)
If the YT API doesn't fire the event the player will try to start anyway after...
delayAtStart: 1000,
Go Full Screen on Play
New feature: If you set the player as inline (via the short-code editor) you can now activate the "Go Full Screen on Play" feature.
Bug fix: The inline Player "Play" icon was not working properly.
Get data with YT API key bugfix
A wrong API key or inactive API key was causing a blocking error
The isTouchSupported function was duplicated
Removed the isTouchSupported function duplication
Wrong video ID endless loop bug fix
3.3.1 Version 3.3.1
Playback Rate
Added two methods to manage video speed: