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A plugin for the simple-build-tool to create an OS X application bundle.

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sbt-appbundle is a plugin for xsbt (sbt 0.11) that adds the appbundle task to create a standalone OS X application bundle.

sbt-appbundle is (C)opyright 2011–2012 by Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. It is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License and comes with absolutely no warranties. To contact the author, send an email to contact at


To use the plugin in your sbt project, add the following line to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin( "de.sciss" % "sbt-appbundle" % "0.14" )

sbt-appbundle is now hosted on maven central (sonatype), so it should be found automatically.

You can find an example of its usage in test-project. Basically you add the following statement to the beginning of the main build.sbt:

seq(appbundle.settings: _*)

And can then configure the appbundle task. Without any additional configuration, the task will create the app bundle in the base directory under the name The following keys are available:

name key-type description default
name String Name for the bundle, without the .app extension name in main scope
normalizedName String Lower case namem used as second part in the bundle identifier normalizedName in main scope
organization String Your publishing domain (reverse website style), used as first part in the bundle identifier organization in main scope
version String Version string which is shown in the Finder and About menu version in main scope
mainClass Option[String] Main class entry when application is launched. Appbundle fails when this is not specified or inferred mainClass in main scope
target File Directory in which the bundle is to be created target in main scope
outputPath File Fully qualified path to the bundle target / name + ".app"
executable File Path to the java application stub executable. /System/ Library/ Frameworks/ JavaVM.framework/ Versions/ Current/ Resources/ MacOS/ JavaApplicationStub
fullClasspath Classpath Constructed from the fullClasspath entries in Compile and Runtime
javaVersion String The minimum Java version required to launch the application 1.6+
javaArchs Seq[String] If not empty, the supported processor architectures in order of their preference empty
javaOptions Seq[String] Options passed to the java command when launching the application javaOptions in main scope
systemProperties Seq[(String, String)] A key-value map passed as Java -D arguments (system properties) extracts -D entries from javaOptions and adds entries for screenMenu and quartz
screenMenu Boolean Whether to display the menu bar in the screen top true
quartz Option[Boolean] Whether to use the Apple Quartz renderer (true) or the default Java renderer None. In this case Quartz is used for Java 1.5, but not for Java 1.6+
icon Option[File] Image or icon file which is used as application icon. A native .icns file will be copied unmodified to the bundle, while an image (such as .png) will be converted through the OS X shell utility sips, scaling the image to the next supported size, which is either of 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, or 512 pixels width/height None
resources Seq[File] Any files or directories which should be copied directly into Contents/Resources empty
workingDirectory Option[File] The current directory as seen from the Java runtime None (directory in which the bundle resides (outside the app bundle)

The following special variables are particularly useful for workingDirectory:

 appbundle.BundleVar_AppPackage  // the base directory _inside_ the application bundle
 appbundle.BundleVar_JavaRoot    // the directory in which the Java jars reside
 appbundle.BundleVar_UserHome    // the user's home directory

The following values can be used for the javaArchs key:


Example: := "CamelCase"
appbundle.javaOptions += "-Xmx1024m"
appbundle.javaOptions ++= Seq( "-ea" )
appbundle.systemProperties += "SC_HOME" -> "../scsynth"
appbundle.icon := Some( file( "myicon.png" ))

As of version 0.14, the default bundle target directory is target. If you want to revert to the previous behaviour, putting it into the main directory, the following can be used: <<= baseDirectory

creating an IntelliJ IDEA project

If you want to work on the plugin in IntelliJ IDEA, you can set up a project like this: Make sure you have the following contents in ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt:

resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""

addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.0.0")

Then to create the IDEA project, run the following two commands from the xsbt shell:

> set ideaProjectName := "sbt-appbundle"
> gen-idea


The test application icon is in the public domain and was obtained from the Open Clip Art Library .


A plugin for the simple-build-tool to create an OS X application bundle.






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