Created by Oren Vilderman
The purpose of this project is to present my knowledge in Java and in QA methodology
In this project there are STDs, Tests, and bug reports, more details about the project and the purpose of this project can be found on the included STP,
All files are in the project folders under the: "FinalProject.SVC" folder.
Tests performed by default on the site SVCollege Test Site,
But alternative local versions of the site are included in the "SVC final project files" folder (To run the test on the local files, read lines 24-28 in "").
The tests are written in Java, using Selenium WebDriver and implementing the "Page Object Model" design pattern.
The tests are:
Sanity - The test include 164 tests and returns - 14 - Failures
Functionality - The test include 34 function tests:
- For Function: Long word Question: returns - 3 - Failures
- For Function: Multi words Question: returns - 3 - Failures
- For Function: Space as Question: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Continue without Question:
- For Function: Hebrew text Question:
- For Function: Number as Question:
- For Function: Singe as Question:
- For Function: Question mark as Question: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Back button (In Question creation): returns - 4 - Failures
- For Function: Change Question text:
- For Function: Question saved after typing: returns - 4 - Failures and 5 - Errors
- For Function: Long word Answer:
- For Function: Multi words Answer:
- For Function: Space as Answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Continue without Answer:
- For Function: Continue without selected Answer (In Question creation):
- For Function: Hebrew text Answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Number as Answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Singe as Answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Question mark as Answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Change Answer text:
- For Function: Answer saved after typing: returns - 4 - Failures
- For Function: Answer select saved after selecting (In Question creation): returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Change right answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Back button (In Trivia):
- For Function: Continue without selected Answer (In Trivia):
- For Function: Answer select saved after selecting (In Trivia):
- For Function: Quit button (In let's play): returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: "Try Again" button: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Two correct answers: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: One correct answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: No correct answer: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Questions are in random order: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Function: Questions are in random order when try again: returns - 1 - Failure
- Boundary Values - The test include 3 Boundary Value tests:
- For Max chars Question: returns - 4 - Failures and 6 - Errors
- For Max chars Question with question mark: returns - 4 - Failures and 6 - Errors
- For Max chars Answer:
- Error Handling - The test include 7 Error Handling tests:
- For Same Questions, Different answers - Select first in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Different answers - Select second in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Different answers - Select third in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Same answers location - Select first in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Same answers location - Select second in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Same answers location - Select third in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
- For Same Questions, Same answers - Select fourth in Trivia: returns - 1 - Failure
Integration - The test include 1 test and returns - 1 - Failure
Compatibility - The test include 164 tests (Sanity) and runes a total of two times on two different browsers:
- For FireFox: returns - 14 - Failures
- For Internet Explorer: returns - 41 - Failures and 79 - Errors
Few different findElement methods are used:
- StartPage.Java
- QuestionCreationPage.Java
- By.xpath
- LetsPlayPage.Java
- By.cssSelector
- TriviaPage.Java
- By.cssSelector
- By.xpath
- EndTriviaPage.Java
- By.cssSelector(Attribute + value) + (dealing with value that have two different values)
- By.cssSelector(Class)
- Directly into a List of WebElements
Few Customized Junit fail methods are used:
for example:
- (lines 98 - 121)
- verifyTextIsEqual - When AssertionError is thrown, Two different messages can be shown in the Console:
NOT Empty / NOT Equal.
- verifyTextIsEqual - When AssertionError is thrown, Two different messages can be shown in the Console:
- (lines 2605 - 2624)
- WebElements.isDisplayed - if NoSuchElementException is NOT thrown, The test fail.
- WebElements.isDisplayed - if NoSuchElementException is NOT thrown, The test fail.
- (lines 288 - 305)
- WebElements.isDisplayed - if NullPointerException is thrown, The test fail.
- WebElements.isDisplayed - if NullPointerException is thrown, The test fail.
- (lines 2395 - 2413)
- driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); - if NoAlertPresentException is thrown, The test fail.
How answers are chosen: getAnswer and selectRightAnswer:
for example:
- (lines 1812 - 1828)
- >>> getAnswer - Since there is a known bug,
The switch in MethodsManager will return the right answer if it will be present in "questions" or "questionsInTrivia" Arrays.
- >>> getAnswer - Since there is a known bug,
- (lines 95 - 98, line 220)
- >>> Set the right answers is a prerequisite to use the getAnswer method, for different answers and questions.
- TrivaActionsManager.Java >>> selectRightAnswer >>> >>> getAnswer.
The Junit test results are written inside the STD with the same test name
- The results for the test: "", can be found in the file: "Trivia STD - Sanity"
- The STD files also include the total tests that passes,
For example: For the Sanity test "150/164" passes, with 14 - Failures
Please use the class to run the other test classes of the project
The TestsRunnerMain takes approximately 15 minutes and the Junit report should look as follow: