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Kasper Luckow edited this page May 28, 2016 · 10 revisions

Hi there! Welcome to the wiki for JDart, which serves the purpose of providing information about the configuration and usage of JDart.


JDart is a tool that executes Java Bytecode programs concolically. The concolic execution is triggered from within the regular execution of a Java program. The JDart configuration allows users to specify a method which is executed concolically: upon the first invocation of this method, a certain set of values (see below) will be treated symbolically. Once the method execution is finished, an attempt will be made to find a valuation (i.e., an assignment of concrete values to the symbolic variables) which triggers a different execution path through the program.

The result of the concolic execution is a constraints tree, i.e., a tree with its inner nodes reflecting the decisions (involving at least one symbolic variable) that were made during the execution of the program. The leaves are labeled with the status (OK if the method was regularly exited, ERROR if there was an exception, or DONT_KNOW if no valuation could be or should have been generated for the respective path). In case the status in OK or ERROR, the leaf will also contain a concrete valuation suitable for triggering exactly this path through the concolically executed method.


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