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Easy to use Tcl/OpenOCD based RISC-V debug tool

Here is the perfect application to make quick tests of hardware connections, identify and examine target device configuration, execute abstract commands and programs outside of the CPU core, and learn about the RISC-V Debug Specification.

First Things, first

Specify your hardware connection in rvdebug.cfg [Lines 25-68] for example as follows:

adapter driver ftdi
ftdi vid_pid 0x0403 0x6014
ftdi layout_init 0x0b08 0x0b1b  ;# TMS,TCK,TDI lines (out) and (push-pull)

For best results on a Windows system, use Zadig tool and install libusbK driver.

Using rvdebug

openocd -f rvdebug.cfg

You should see either ---PASS--- or ***FAIL*** and a complete description of your target something like this:

testing TAP chain... bypass=01, bypass(0x1F)=00, riscv-rsvd=0000
identifying device... found mfrid=0x489 (SiFive Inc), partnum=0, ver=2 (0x20000913)
preparing transport module... found abits=7 idle=5 dmistat=0 version=1 (Debug Module version 0.13)
handling debug module ndmreset, to avoid startup race condition... hart halted
entering DMI-safe access area
examining system
number of hart(s)... found 1 with Debug Module version 0.13
natural word size... found XLEN=32
halt summary status... found haltsum<19:0>=0b00000000000000100001
hart information... found nscratch=1 dataaccess=1 datasize=1 dataaddr=0x380
preparing abstract module... found 16 program buffer(s) and 1 data buffer(s) , busy=0 , cmderr=0 (No Err)
system bus control and status... found version=0 busyerror=0 busy=0 readonaddr=0 access=0 autoincrement=0 readondata=0 error=0 asize=0 accesssupported=0
configuration string pointers... found 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
examining system CSRs
mvendorid=0 (not implemented)
marchid=0 (not implemented)
mimpid=0 (not implemented)
mhartid=0 (not implemented)
misa=0x40101105 (MXLEN=32, RV32IMACU)
mcause=0x00000001 (Exception: Instruction access fault)
mstatus=0x00001800 (sd=0, tsr=0, tw=0, tvm=0, mxr=0, sum=0, mprv=0, xs=U, fs=U, mpp=M, hpp=U, spp=U, pie=., ie=.)
mie=0x00000000 (ext=., tim=., sw=.)
leaving DMI-safe access area
Info : datacount=1 progbufsize=16
Info : Disabling abstract command reads from CSRs.
Info : Examined RISC-V core; found 1 harts
Info :  hart 0: XLEN=32, misa=0x40101105
Info : gdb port disabled

What Can Go Wrong?

The FTDI/USB cable might be unplugged

Error: no device found
Error: unable to open ftdi device with vid 0403, pid 6014, description 'C232HD-DDHSP-0', serial '*' at bus location '*'
ftdi failure, is USB unplugged? device_desc OK? pid_vid correct?

The target device might not have any power

testing TAP chain... bypass=01, bypass(0x1F)=01, riscv-rsvd=ffff
identifying device
cannot read chip id because TDO stuck high? maybe power? open-drain need pull-up? target latched up?

The JTAG cable wires might be very long or its signals very noisy

testing TAP chain... bypass=01, bypass(0x1F)=00, riscv-rsvd=0000
identifying device... found mfrid=0x1 (AMD), partnum=0, ver=0 (0x00000003)
preparing transport module... found abits=3 idle=0 dmistat=0 version=1 (Debug Module version 0.13)
handling debug module ndmreset, to avoid startup race condition... hart halted
entering DMI-safe access area
examining system
number of hart(s)...
no hart(s) found because dtm and dmi not healthy? maybe sel, halt, ack, reset logic not okay?

Notice above that mfrid is suspiciously wrong even though the DTM appears to read out its information properly: abits=3, version=1, etc.

You might have seen an OpenOCD message like

Error: Unsupported DTM version: 8
Warn : target riscv.cpu.0 examination failed
Error: Target not examined yet

You might also have seen the dreaded unable to halt hart message like

Error: unable to halt hart 0
Error:   dmcontrol=0x80000001
Error:   dmstatus =0x00030c82
Error: Fatal: Hart 0 failed to halt during examine()
Warn : target riscv.cpu.0 examination failed
Error: Target not examined yet

All of these observations are often because the JTAG wires are too long, or because the JTAG signals are too noisy -- in particular the TCK signal. See below for an easy solution to remedy such signal line noise.

How To Cure Noisy JTAG Signals

Simple! As close as practical and possible to target, put a 1 Meg Ohm resistor (markings: brown-black-yellow) and a 1000 pF capacitor (markings: 102) in parallel from TCK to ground. Make sure the OpenOCD adapter speed setting is less than 4000 KHz.


Although not necessary, it is a good idea to apply same RC filter above to TMS and TDI lines. The TDO line, however, should see a 30 ~ 50 Ohm resistor in series between the target and the end of the long JTAG cable wire. Notice that there is almost never any need for external signals like TRST or SRST -- with a properly functioning hardware interface, reset happens naturally within the JTAG protocol and state machine itself.

This cure was discovered by JTAG connection success when probing of the TCK line with an oscilloscope probe accidentally set to x1 rather than x10. Careful examination led to 1 M Ohm and 1000 pF as an optimal filter time constant. Further ideas came from the discussion of JTAG signals. The problem root cause is noise and reflection on TCK wire due to huge cable capacitance which confuses the JTAG TAP state machine.

How rvdebug works

It's all in Tcl, thus, everying is a string and a little cryptic. For a quick refresher see Tcl Crash Course from OpenOCD documentation. Full reference is in the Tcl Language Documentation although not every aspect is included in the minimal implementation of jim-tcl by OpenOCD.

Every .tcl file has a defn this-filename.tcl YYYY-MM-DD line at the top, and when needed a .tcl file might have one or more incl some-other-filename.tcl lines. The defn and incl macros are in rvdebug.cfg.

The main top-level program is in rvdebug.cfg. This is where the main OpenOCD function jtag_init (usually contained openocd/src/jtag/startup.tcl) is overridden instead to invoke procedure rvdebug. After it runs, control is passed to rvdebug-handler to interpret the results.

The heart of the program is in rvdebug.tcl and is described by the model of register "objects" that implements the RISC-V Debug Specification below.

                      |  DTM  |
    |            |            |                        |
+---+----+  +----+---+    +---+---+                 +--+--+
| BYPASS |  | IDCODE |    | DTMCS |                 | DMI |
+--------+  +--+-----+    +-------+                 +--+--+
               |                                       |
         +-----+--+          +-------+------+-------+--+----+------+------+----------+--------+
         | JEDEC  |          |       |      |       |       |      |      |          |        |
         | JEP106 |    +-----+-----+ | +----+-----+ | +-----+----+ | +----+----+  +--+-----+  |
         +---+----+    | DMCONTROL | | | DMSTATUS | | | HARTINFO | | | HARTSUM |  | XFER   |--+---+
             |         +-----------+ | +----------+ | +----------+ | +---------+  | MANY   | XFER |
         +---o----+                  |              |              |              | LITTLE | ONE  |
         | JEDEC  |                  |              |              |              +--------+ BIG  |
         | JEP106 |            +-----+----+   +-----+------+    +--+---+                  +-------+
         | BANKn  |            | ABSTRACT |   | CONFSTRPTR |    | SBCS |
         +--------+            +-----+----+   +------------+    +------+
                                  | ISA |
                                 |                 |
                            +----+-+           +---+---+
                            | REGS |           | INSTR |
                            +--+---+           +---+---+
                               |                   |
                   +------+--+-+---+      +----+---+----+-----+---+
                   |      |  |     |      |    |        |     |   |
                   | +--+--+ | +--+--+    | +--+--+ | +-+-+ +-+-+ |
                   | | CSR | | | GPR |    | | CSR | | | I | | D | |
                   | +-----+ | +-----+    | +-----+ | +---+ +---+ |
                 +-+---+   +-+--+       +-+-+     +-+-+         +-+-+
                 | FPR |   | VR |       | A |     | M |         | F |
                 +-----+   +----+       +---+     +---+         +---+

Critical to understanding the RISC-V Debug Specification is to notice that, depending on the Idiosyncrasies of hardware implementation the potential for a startup race condition exists when performing an NDMRESET action. If there is less than 2.5 Seconds (yes, that's 2500 mS) after pulsing NDMRESET then the DM (Debug Module) will become stuck in a persistently busy state and become completely unreachable. Full power-cycle is the only way to regain control of the DM.

  • must first enable DM only (dmactive=1 (haltreq=0, ndmreset=0)), then halt hart (haltreq=1 (dmactive=1, ndmreset=0)),

  • lastly reset non-debug system (ndmreset=1->0 (dmactive=1, haltreq=1)), sequentially not simultaneously, and in that order.

  • when ndmreset delay is too short, write or read op from any other register than dmcontrol results in persistent DM busy (op=3) state.

  • in persistent DM busy state, DM is completely unreachable, thus power-cycle is the only way to regain control of the DM.

Any desired user activity can be done in the DMI-safe access area block. For example, the discovery of a target by examine_system which is described in rvdebug-util-examine.tcl.

#----- DMI-safe access area: read DMI bus ONLY when selected hart is HALTED, or busy op=3 condition results
echo "entering DMI-safe access area"

# the sifive implementation of the debug spec requires that the core be halted before
# trying to execute abstract commands. when a debugger wants to halt a single hart it
# selects it in hartsel and sets haltreq, then waits for allhalted to indicate that
# the hart is halted before clearing haltreq to 0.

# TIP (per Debug Spec, Section B.3):
# leave dmcontrol.haltreq=1 to catch and re-halt a hart that gets reset while it is already halted


echo "leaving DMI-safe access area"
#----- DMI-safe access area

Examples for various abstract commands with the program and data buffer are shown in the demonstraton area of rvdebug.tcl.

#---------- demonstration area
incl rvdebug-dm-abstractcs.tcl  ;# abstract program control and status
incl rvdebug-dm-progbuf.tcl     ;# abstract program instruction buffer
incl rvdebug-dm-data.tcl        ;# abstract program data buffer
incl rvdebug-dm-command.tcl     ;# abstract program command execution

DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer  0               ;# maxprogbufnum=abstractcs.progbufsize-1, maxdatabufnum=abstractcs.datacount
DM::PROGBUF::xfer     0 0x5555aaaa 1  ;# progbufnum prognum [mode] (0=read, 1=write, n=0..15, dmi.abstractcs.progbufsize: 0=one-reg, 1=two-regs, ...)
DM::DATA::xfer        0 0xaaaa5555 0  ;# databufnum databuf [mode] (0=read, 1=write, n=0..11, dmi.abstractcs.datacount: 0=unkn, 1=one-reg, 2=two-regs, ...)
DM::COMMAND::xfer ...                 ;# control cmdtype ... after write, wait for abstractcs.busy=0
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer  7               ;# wait for busy=0, check cmderr bits (3) ... write 1 to clear them

#                     cmdtype aarsize regno       transfer write aarpostincrement postexec
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer  7        ;# cmderr=0b111 clear status bits
DM::COMMAND::xfer     0x00    2       0x1001      1        0     0                0    ;# reg, 32-bit, misa, reg/mem, read, no-incr, no-exec
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer  0        ;# cmderr=0 check status
DM::DATA::xfer        0 0 0    ;# data0, 0x0, read

#                        ccccccccccccsssssfffdddddooooooo    ;# o=opcode, f=func, s=souce-reg, d=dest-reg, c=csr
#                        |----------||---||-||---||-----|
DM::PROGBUF::xfer    0 0b00110000000100000010010001110011 1  ;# progbuf0, (csrrs x0, MISA, s0), write
DM::PROGBUF::xfer    1 0b00000000000100000000000001110011 1  ;# progbuf1, (ebreak), write
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer 7        ;# cmderr=0b111 clear status bits
DM::COMMAND::xfer    0x00    2       0x0000      0        0     0                1    ;# reg, 32-bit, x, no-reg/mem, x, x, exec
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer 0        ;# cmderr=0 check status
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer 7        ;# cmderr=0b111 clear status bits
DM::COMMAND::xfer    0x00    2       0x1008      1        0     0                0    ;# reg, 32-bit, s0, reg/mem, read, no-incr, no-exec
DM::ABSTRACTCS::xfer 0        ;# cmderr=0 check status
DM::DATA::xfer        0 0 0   ;# data0, 0x0, read
#DM::DATA::xfer       1 0 0   ;# data1, 0x0, read
#DM::DATA::xfer       2 0 0   ;# data2, 0x0, read
#DM::DATA::xfer       3 0 0   ;# data3, 0x0, read
#---------- demonstration area

A typical RISC-V Debug implementation might look something like the figure below, in case of FE310 SoC (SiFive, Inc).



Easy to use Tcl/OpenOCD based RISC-V debug tool







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