The purpose of this application is to monitor the job vacancies advertised in the official™ website.™ is an international company which grows very fast and it posts up and down jobs pretty fast. I wanted to be able to monitor the jobs for my personal job research and came up with this application.
The application also demonstrates the use of some interesting gems:
- Resque (Background jobs)
- Mechanize/Nokogiri (web page parser)
- MongoDB (noSQL DB)
- lazy_high_charts (based on HighChart JS)
- foreman
####How to install:
You need first to install MongoDB
(Resque needs that).
You just git clone
the project and bundle install
You need to edit the Procfile
on the root of the project to reflect your local settings.
You then foreman start
and direct your browser to http://localhost:5000
####How to use:
You just press Update
and wait until the DB is populated. You can check the progress by pressing the Resque
####TO DOs:
- Seed the development database to reflect jobs opened and closed at an earlier time. Mine starts from September, 12th.
- Add more Statistics
- Add Google Maps and visualize the jobs on the map.
This application is NOT endorsed, NOT approved and NOT affiliated by or to™ by any way.
It was just a way to monitor the job openings for personal use.
The only way to accurately monitor the job openings and their description is to visit the official website.
The monitoring of the positions is starting by the moment your firstly populate the Database. This means that all the jobs are considered to be open by that exact moment and NOT the time that they were really advertised. B.V. is part of (Nasdaq: PCLN) and it owns and operates™