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Softwares Required:

  1. MySQL5.7(
  2. Maven
  3. Java
  4. Postman

Installation Steps:

  1. Install MySQL5.7 from following URL ( Create root password as "admin"

  2. Connect to MySQL5.7 database using MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client.

  3. Run the following 2 commands in MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client as below. mysql> drop database fundzforus; Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.12 sec) mysql> create database fundzforus; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

  4. Import SQL script(sql\tables.sql) in Windows Command Prompt. Go to command prompt where MySQL 5.7 installed. Ex: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin>mysql -u root -p fundzforus < C:\Ramesh\Projects\Fundzforus-Project\sql\tables.sql

  5. Install Java8

  6. Download Build Tool Maven 3.X

  7. Set Maven in CLASSPATH Ex:

  8. Now to go to this directory.

  9. Run "mvn clean install" for the application in the Command prompt. Ex: C:\Ramesh\Projects\Fundzforus-Project\

  10. run "java -Xmx4072m -Xms4072m -jar target\Fundzforus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"

  11. From Web Browser, Run the following URL's http://localhost:8080/login, http://localhost:8080/registration, http://localhost:8080/home

  12. For User Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllUsers (HTTP GET). This will get all existing Users. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/user (HTTP POST). This will add new User. Example: { "userName": "SITE_ADMIN_1", "password": "SITE_ADMIN_1", "firstName": "JACK1", "lastName": "TEST1", "phone": "1211232", "email": "[email protected]", "location": "Dallas, TX", "receiveNotification": true, "roleId": 1, "tenantId": 1 }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/user (HTTP PUT). This will update existing User. Example: { "userName": "SITE_ADMIN_1", "password": "SITE_ADMIN_1", "firstName": "JACK1", "lastName": "TEST1", "phone": "1211232", "email": "[email protected]", "roleId": 1, "tenantId": 1, "location": "Dallas, TX", "receiveNotification": true } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/user (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing User. HTTP Headers: 1. userName=admin

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/user (HTTP GET). This will read existing User. HTTP Headers: 1. userName=admin 2. password=admin

  13. For Roles Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllRoles (HTTP GET). This will get all existing Roles. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/role (HTTP POST). This will add new Role. Example: { "roleName": "SUPER_USER", "description": "System Owner" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/role (HTTP PUT). This will update existing Role. Example: { "roleName": "SUPER_USER", "description": "System Owner" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/role (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing Role. HTTP Headers: 1. roleId=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/role (HTTP GET). This will read existing Role. HTTP Headers: 1. roleId=1

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/roleByName (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing Role. HTTP Headers: 1. roleName=SUPER_USER

    g. http://localhost:8080/rest/roleByName (HTTP GET). This will read existing Role. HTTP Headers: 1. roleName=SUPER_USER

  14. For Tenants Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllTenants (HTTP GET). This will get all existing Tenants. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenant (HTTP POST). This will add new Tenant. Example: { "tenantName": "TENANT_NAME1", "tenantUrl": "TENANT_URL1", "phone": "214-418-0000", "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "addressLine1": "ADDRESS_LINE1", "addressLine2": null, "city": "ATLANTA", "state": "GA", "zipCode": "00001" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenant (HTTP PUT). This will update existing Tenant. Example: { "tenantName": "TENANT_NAME1", "tenantUrl": "TENANT_URL1", "phone": "214-418-0000", "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "addressLine1": "ADDRESS_LINE1", "addressLine2": null, "city": "ATLANTA", "state": "GA", "zipCode": "00001" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenant (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing Tenant. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenant (HTTP GET). This will read existing Tenant. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenantByName (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing Tenant. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantName=TENANT_NAME1

    g. http://localhost:8080/rest/tenantByName (HTTP GET). This will read existing Tenant. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantName=TENANT_NAME1

  15. For Partner Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllPartners (HTTP GET). This will get all existing Partners. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/partner (HTTP POST). This will add new Partner. Example: { "partnerName": "SUPER_USER", "description": "System Owner", "contactName": "RAMESH PITANI", "contactPhone": "24418-0000", "contactAddress": "716 CANAL ST, COPPELL, TX 75019", "contactEmail": "[email protected]" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/partner (HTTP PUT). This will update existing Partner. Example: { "id": 1, "partnerName": "SUPER_USER", "description": "System Owner", "contactName": "RAMESH PITANI", "contactPhone": "24418-0000", "contactAddress": "716 CANAL ST, IRVING, TX 75063", "contactEmail": "[email protected]" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerName (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing Partner. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerName=PARTNER1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerName (HTTP GET). This will read existing Partner. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerName=PARTNER1

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllPartnerImages (HTTP GET). This will get all existing Partner Images. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    g. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerImage (HTTP POST). This will add new PartnerImage. Example: {
    "imgName": "Partner Image", "imgDescription": "Partner Image", "imgURL": "", "partnerId": 1 }

    h. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerImage (HTTP PUT). This will update existing PartnerImage. Example: { "id": 1,
    "imgName": "Partner Image", "imgDescription": "Partner Image", "imgURL": "", "partnerId": 1 } i. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerImage (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing PartnerImage. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerId=1

    j. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerImage (HTTP GET). This will read existing PartnerImage. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerId=1

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/getAllPartnerVideos (HTTP GET). This will get all existing PartnerVideos. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    g. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerVideo (HTTP POST). This will add new PartnerVideo. Example: { "videoName": "Partner Video", "videoDescription": "Partner Video", "videoURL": "", "partnerId": 1 }

    h. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerVideo (HTTP PUT). This will update existing PartnerVideo. Example: { "id": 1, "videoName": "Partner Video", "videoDescription": "Partner Video", "videoURL": "", "partnerId": 1 } i. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerVideo (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing PartnerVideo. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerId=1

    j. http://localhost:8080/rest/partnerVideo (HTTP GET). This will read existing PartnerVideo. HTTP Headers: 1. partnerId=1

  16. For User Messages Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/allUserMessagesByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get all messages for a User. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/message (HTTP POST). This will add new message. Example: { "messageTitle": "message title1", "messageDescription": "message description1", "tenantId": 1, "messageCategory": "CATEGORY_1" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/message (HTTP PUT). This will update existing message. Example: { "id": 1, "messageTitle": "message title1", "messageDescription": "message description1 Updated", "tenantId": 1, "messageCategory": "CATEGORY_1" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/message (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing message. HTTP Headers: 1. messageId=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/message (HTTP GET). This will read all messages by userId. HTTP Headers: 1. messageId=1

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/allUserMessagesByByTenantIdAndCategory (HTTP GET). This will read all messages by userId and category. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1 2. category=CATEGORY_1 // CATEGORY_1, CATEGORY_2, CATEGORY_3

  17. For Program Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/allProgramsByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get all Programs for a Tenant. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/todayProgramsByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get Today Programs for a Tenant. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/tomorrowProgramsByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get Tomorrow Programs for a Tenant. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    d. http://localhost:8080/rest/oneWeekProgramsByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get One Week Programs for a Tenant. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/program (HTTP POST). This will add new program. Example: { "programName": "Program Name1", "programDescription": "Program description1", "programImageUrl": "Program Image1", "programVideoUrl": "Program Video1", "programAddress": "Address", "programDateTimeField": "01-Dec-20 01:00", "tenantId":1, "bookings":10 }

    f. http://localhost:8080/rest/program (HTTP PUT). This will update existing program. Example: { "id": 1, "programName": "Program Name1", "programDescription": "Program description1", "programImageUrl": "Program Image1", "programVideoUrl": "Program Video1", "programAddress": "Address", "programDateTimeField": "01-Dec-20 01:00", "tenantId":1, "bookings": 11 } g. http://localhost:8080/rest/program (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing program. HTTP Headers: 1. programId=1

    h. http://localhost:8080/rest/program (HTTP GET). This will read existing program. HTTP Headers: 1. programId=1

    i. http://localhost:8080/rest/allProgramBookings (HTTP GET). This will get all Booking Programs for a User. --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    j. http://localhost:8080/rest/programBookingsByUserId (HTTP GET). This will read program bookings for user. HTTP Headers: 1. userId=1 k. http://localhost:8080/rest/programBookingsByProgramId (HTTP GET). This will read user bookings for program. HTTP Headers: 1. programId=1 l. http://localhost:8080/rest/programBookingsByUserIdAndProgramId (HTTP GET). This will particular booking for a user and program. HTTP Headers: 1. programId=1 2. userId=1 m. http://localhost:8080/rest/programBooking (HTTP POST). This will add new program. Example: { "programId": 1, "numberOfPersons": 10, "userId": 1 }

    n. http://localhost:8080/rest/programBooking (HTTP PUT). This will update existing program. Example: { "id": 1, "programId": 1, "numberOfPersons": 10, "userId": 1 }

  18. For User Video Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/allUserVideosByTenantId (HTTP GET). This will get all User Videos for a Tenant. --> This will work from WebBrowser. HTTP Headers: 1. tenantId=1

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/video (HTTP POST). This will add User Video. Example: { "videoName": "VIDEO_NAME1", "videoDescription": "VIDEO_NAME1", "videoURL": "VIDEO_NAME1", "tenantId": "2" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/video (HTTP PUT). This will update existing User Video. Example: { "id": 2, "videoName": "VIDEO_NAME1", "videoDescription": "VIDEO_NAME1", "videoURL": "VIDEO_NAME1", "tenantId": "2" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/video (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing User Video. HTTP Headers: 1. videoId=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/video (HTTP GET). This will read existing User Video. HTTP Headers: 1. videoId=1

  19. For NEWS Rest API's. Use Postman tool for this.

    a. http://localhost:8080/rest/allNEWS (HTTP GET). This will get all NEWS --> This will work from WebBrowser.

    b. http://localhost:8080/rest/news (HTTP POST). This will add news. Example: { "title": "VIDEO_NAME1", "description": "VIDEO_NAME1", "url": "NEWS URL", "videoURL": "VIDEO_NAME1" }

    c. http://localhost:8080/rest/news (HTTP PUT). This will update existing NEWS. Example: { "id": 2, "title": "VIDEO_NAME1", "description": "VIDEO_NAME1", "url": "NEWS URL", "videoURL": "VIDEO_NAME1" } d. http://localhost:8080/rest/news (HTTP DELETE). This will delete existing NEWS. HTTP Headers: 1. id=1

    e. http://localhost:8080/rest/news (HTTP GET). This will read existing NEWS. HTTP Headers: 1. id=1








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