# 🔒 | Ethical Hacker's Lair | 🔒
Welcome to my Ethical Hacker's Lair! Here, I share my knowledge and experience in the field of cybersecurity.
I am passionate about mastering the art of cyber defense. My skills include:
$ echo " - ![Cisco](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=cisco) Cisco"
$ echo " - ![Firewall](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=firewall) Firewall"
$ echo " - ![Network](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=network) Network"
$ echo " - ![Bug](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=bug) Bug"
$ echo " - ![Shield](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=shield) Shield"
$ echo " - ![Nmap](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=nmap) Nmap"
$ echo " - ![Burp Suite](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=burpsuite) Burp Suite"
$ echo " - ![Metasploit](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=metasploit) Metasploit"
$ echo " - ![Certified](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=certified) Certified"
$ echo " - ![TryHackMe Badges](https://tryhackme-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/pruthuraut.png) TryHackMe Badges"
$ echo " - ![Hack The Box Badge](https://www.hackthebox.eu/badge/image/12345) Hack The Box Badge"
$ echo " - [PortSwigger Profile](https://portswigger.net/profile/pruthuraut)"
$ echo " - ![Top Languages](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=pruthuraut&layout=compact&theme=radical)"
$ echo " - ![Overall Stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=pruthuraut&show_icons=true&theme=radical)"
$ echo " - ![Contribution Streak](https://github-readme-streak-stats.herokuapp.com/?user=pruthuraut&theme=radical)"
$ echo "Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] for any questions or collaborations!"