- Modularisation
- Sub modularisation
- Design system
- Lint checks, to not allow other design
- Support theming like dark mode
- Support failure screens like internet issue
- Build based on an Atomic design pattern
- Remote caching of builds
- Configuration caching
- Observability with Slack alerts
- Logging failure cases
- Logging frames skip
- Automated releases
- Crash monitoring with Namespaces of team
- Lint checks
- Leakcanary
- Integration in UI tests
- Networking Foundation
- Centralised logger for all network requests
- Adapters to handle errors
- Navigation & Deeplinks
- Analytics SDK
- Feature flags SDK
- Authentication SDK
- Accessibility
- Push notifications tooling
- Localization
- App size
- Use a common design system library icons over adding icons manually
- Permission handling
- Location handling
- Currency handling
- Baseline profiles
- Server driven UI setup
- In-app debug drawer on debug builds
- A GitHub bot which adds a commit to fix formatting issues
- Internal codelabs to onboard engineers.
- Code health dashboard
- Screenshot testing infrastructure
- Kotlin
- Gradle
- Android Gradle Plugin
- Jetpack compose