To fix the minimap appering in the create character and choose spawn follow these staps.
Remove any other hud script (even qb-hud)
go to tommy-hud/client.
and change line (--REMOVE GTA V HEALTH AND ARMOUR BARS) with below
--REMOVE GTA V HEALTH AND ARMOUR BARS function removeMinimapBars() Citizen.CreateThread(function() local minimap = RequestScaleformMovie("minimap") SetRadarBigmapEnabled(true, false) Wait(0) SetRadarBigmapEnabled(false, false) while true do Wait(0) BeginScaleformMovieMethod(minimap, "SETUP_HEALTH_ARMOUR") ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt(3) EndScaleformMovieMethod() HideHudComponentThisFrame(7) HideHudComponentThisFrame(9) end end) end
Go to QB-multicharacter, and change line (local function skyCam(bool)) with below:
local function skyCam(bool) TriggerEvent('qb-weathersync:client:DisableSync') if bool then DoScreenFadeIn(1000) SetTimecycleModifier('hud_def_blur') SetTimecycleModifierStrength(1.0) FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), false) cam = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", Config.CamCoords.x, Config.CamCoords.y, Config.CamCoords.z, 0.0 ,0.0, Config.CamCoords.w, 60.00, false, 0) SetCamActive(cam, true) RenderScriptCams(true, false, 1, true, true) DisplayRadar(false) DisplayHud(false) else SetTimecycleModifier('default') SetCamActive(cam, false) DestroyCam(cam, true) RenderScriptCams(false, false, 1, true, true) FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), false) end end
-- QB-SPAWN --
Go to QB-spawn, and change line () with below:
local function SetDisplay(bool) local translations = {} DisplayRadar(false) DisplayHud(false) for k in pairs(Lang.fallback and Lang.fallback.phrases or Lang.phrases) do if k:sub(0, #'ui.') then translations[k:sub(#'ui.' + 1)] = Lang:t(k) end end choosingSpawn = bool SetNuiFocus(bool, bool) SendNUIMessage({ action = "showUi", status = bool, translations = translations }) end