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Minimum requirements for settings:

  1. TryUserName
  2. TryPassword
  3. Subscriptions comma separated
  4. EnableAuth

TryUserName and TryPassword are the credentials for a user that has Owner or Co-Admin access on the Subscriptions.

Subscriptions can either be a comma separated list of SubscriptionId or a comma separated list of the subscriptions displayName

EnableAuth set to False if you don't care about testing the Authentication module.

Settings for testing authentication module

  1. EnableAuth set to True to enable Auth. Not defined means True
  2. BaseLoginUrl AAD base login url. Use:{tenantId}/oauth2/authorize
  3. AADAppId Your AAD AppId. You can create a web application from Azure Portal in your AAD tenant
  4. LoginErrorPage The page to return in case of a login error. Set to /Sorry
  5. FacebookAppId Facebook AppId. Create a Facebook App from
  6. GoogleAppId Google AppId. Create a Google App from
  7. AADIssuerKeys Url for AAD keys. Use
  8. GoogleIssuerCerts Url for Google Cert. Use:
  9. VkClientSecret ClientSecret. Create a app from
  10. VkClientId ClientId. Create a app from

You don't have to create all the different Apps. You can only create the ones you're interested in testing.

Settings for testing RBAC

RBAC doesn't work if ran locally

Code and branches


master: (

This is connected to production. After all scenarios are validated on next deploy to production and merge into master

dev: (

This is the next environment. This is never swapped, instead changes from dev get merged into master.

Development workflow

# make sure you're working on the dev branch
> git checkout dev

# create your own personal branch based on dev
> git checkout -b ahmels-work

# make all your changes in your branch
# commit and push these changes to github
> git push origin ahmels-work -u

# open a pull request.
# once everything is good, merge, rebase and push
> git checkout dev
> git merge ahmels-work
> git pull --rebase

# fix any conflicts
> git push origin dev

This will get merged into master after validations in -next.

Other settings for other features

  1. TryTenantId used for RBAC scenarios
  2. TryTenantName used for RBAC scenarios
  3. SiteExpiryMinutes number of minutes before the resource expires. Default: 59
  4. GeoRegions The geoRegions to use to create resources. Default: East US,West US,North Europe,West Europe,South Central US,North Central US,East Asia,Southeast Asia,Japan West,Japan East,Brazil South
  5. FreeSitesIISLogsBlob Blob container name for saving logs
  6. FreeSitesIISLogsQueue Azure storage queue to inform aggregation webJob of a new item in the blob storage above
  7. StorageConnectionString connection string for storage used for logs above
  8. DocumentDbUrl Used for DocumentDb logging
  9. DocumentDbKey Used for DocumentDb logging
  10. FromEmail Used for alert emails
  11. EmailServer Used for alert emails
  12. EmailUserName Used for alert emails
  13. EmailPassword Used for alert emails
  14. ToEmail Used for alert emails
  15. SearchServiceName Required for the Azure Search template to work
  16. SearchServiceApiKeys Required for the Azure Search template to work
  17. ExtendedResourceExpireHours number of hours that that SiteExpiryMinutes can be extended to. Default: 24


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