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Creating, installing, and running your ArcLight application

Marlo Longley edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 10 revisions

Getting started: creating a new ArcLight app

Note: Setting up a development environment for ArcLight is outside the scope of this document. Checkout for help in installing Ruby, Git, and Rails.

To create your ArcLight application, you can start by running the ArcLight generator:

# switch out "my-app" for the location you want to install the application to
rails new my-app -m

This will create a new ArcLight application in a directory my-app and it takes a few minutes.

Install your application's dependencies

Next, change directory into the new application's directory and install the Ruby dependencies.

cd my-app
bundle install

Bundling CSS

If you are using cssbundling-rails you need to get the SASS files from npm. You can do this by adding:

npm install arclight # or yarn add arclight

You can then import into your application's main SASS file:

@import 'arclight/app/assets/stylesheets/arclight/application';

Starting the server

ArcLight uses Apache Solr for search. To quickly setup Solr for your ArcLight instance, install the solr_wrapper gem.

gem install solr_wrapper

To start the server, after installing the gem you can run the solr_wrapper command from the applications directory.

Starting Solr 6.5.1 on port 8983 ...

Solr is now running!

To run your ArcLight application you will need to open up a new terminal session (because we want to keep the Solr server running).

# make sure to cd back to your application
cd my-app

You can then run the ArcLight rails application using the following command:

rails s

By default, the ArcLight application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/. The server can be stopped by pressing CTRL+c