Export functionality for ILNumerics (http://ilnumerics.net/) scene graphs and plot cubes to TikZ/PGFPlots (LaTeX graphics package, see Wikipedia).
Export scene to string:
var tikzString = ILN2TikzExport.ExportString(scene);
or export scene to file (usually *.tikz):
ILN2TikzExport.ExportFile(scene, filePath);
Both variants take an optional argument Size canvasSize
(defaults to 120x100 mm^2), for example:
ILN2TikzExport.ExportFile(scene, filePath, new Size(mmWidth, mmHeight));
As of today (Jan 2023) the following plot types are supported: LinePlot, ErrorBarPlot (y-error only), Surface, FastSurface.
ILN2Tikz is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, see LICENSE.txt).