Upload Files Page was created and is maintained by Kelvin Njoro
For full design click image
Data transmission over the internet has never been simpler, but sending sensitive information over email or a cloud service could be a mistake. There is always a danger that data could be intercepted, and in some circumstances, this could be disastrous. In many circumstances, it may be preferable to physically deliver data to a recipient using a secure storage mechanism, however this is frequently not feasible. The good news is that you can transmit files to other individuals using this anonymous file-sharing service without revealing any personal information about you or the recipient. This project is done by using HTML, CSS and JS only to create a cool Upload Files page. It is a fully developed light mode for all gadgets.
- A display -
- with the title
- and files drop area/ browse file button
- Upload button
- Progress Section
- Build with 🥰
- Static Html page - no fancy hosting needed (Github pages does it for free)
- Light source code - fast to load
- Beautiful interface - compatible with all desktops and with a beautiful and pleasant interface.
- Dark mode- still under construction
- Responsive - compatible with all gadgets.
- Access to a computer or any other gadget
- Access to internet
To view the website,
- Click Here or
- Copy the link https://principalkelvo.github.io/anonymous-file-sharing/ paste to your browser and load it
How to navigate
- HTML - which was used to develop the structure off the pages.
- CSS - which was used to style the User Interface.
- JS - which was used to create a great interaction with the User Interface.
Have a bug or issue? Open a new issue here on Github
- There are no known bugs
Images owned by Kelvin Njoro Free for personal use with attribution
- Google Fonts - Inter
- File.io API
Use it freely but please do not republish, distribute or sell Thats it! Simple, clean and smooth!