Upload Files Page was created and is maintained by Kelvin Njoro
For full design click image
The real estate sector is crucial to the economy of a country. It makes a major contribution to economic expansion. Additionally, it aids in the expansion of other industries. However, Kenya's real estate sector's performance is hampered by the low rate of ICT adoption and usage. The low percentage is demonstrated by the fact that some real estate companies lack websites, have bad track records, and communicate poorly with tenants. This project is done by using React JS to create a cool Ui/UX. It uses jsonserver for the backend. It is a fully developed light mode for desktops.
- A display -
- with the title
- and files drop area/ browse file button
- Upload button
- Progress Section
- Build with 🥰
- Static page - Hosted on heroku
- Light source code - fast to load
- Beautiful interface - compatible with all desktops and with a beautiful and pleasant interface.
- Dark mode- still under construction
- Access to a computer or any other gadget
- Access to internet
To view the website,
download or clone the repository Here or
Copy the link https://github.com/principalkelvo/Brightline-Peach-Homes
run npm install
run npm server
Click Here or
Copy the link https://brightline-peach-homes.herokuapp.com/ paste to your browser and load it
- React JS - which was used to develop the structure and styling of the User Interface.
- jsonserver - which was used as a database for the app.
- JS - which was used to create a great interaction with the User Interface.
Have a bug or issue? Open a new issue here on Github
- There are no known bugs
Images owned by Unsplash Free for personal use with attribution
- Google Fonts - Inter
- Unsplash
Use it freely but please do not republish, distribute or sell Thats it! Simple, clean and smooth!