A PHP wrapper for the EdgeOS API
Use Composer to install EdgeAPI into your project:
composer require primeinc/edgeapi
Setup the endpoint and guzzle client
//create new endpoint config, with required info $endpoint = new \PrimeInc\EdgeApi\Endpoint(array( 'protocol' => 'https', 'domain' => '', 'port' => '443', 'username' => 'ubnt', 'password' => 'ubnt', // don't have a valid cert? set the following to false 'verify' => true )); $client = new \PrimeInc\EdgeApi\Client($endpoint); $client->data('sys_info'); echo $client->prettyJson(); // this will grab the last data fetched automatically
For more options, have a look at the example files in
to get a feel for how things work. There is also a standalone template if you don't wish to use this libray.
- Catch & Handle Errors
- Write Tests
- Ability to change endpoint configuration via POST requests