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bbb-install is a shell script that automates the step-by-step instructions for setting up a BigBlueButton 2.2-beta server.

With only a few parameters, can have your BigBlueButton server setup and ready for use in 15 minutes (depending on your server's internet speed to down download and install packages).

For example, to install BigBlueButton 2.2 on a Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit server with a public IP address, first SSH into the server and then, as the root user, run the following command:

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta

The command will pull down the latest version of, send it to the BASH shell interpreter, and pass the parameter -v xenial-220-beta (the only required parameter) which specifies you want to install BigBlueButton 2.2-beta, referred hereafter as simply BigBlueButton 2.2.

When finishes, you'll see a message that gives you a test URL launch the BigBlueButton client and join a meeting meeting called 'Demo Meeting'.

# Warning: The API demos are installed and accessible from:
# These API demos allow anyone to access your server without authentication
# to create/manage meetings and recordings. They are for testing purposes only.
# If you are running a production system, remove them by running:
#    sudo apt-get purge bbb-demo

Note: If your server is behind firewall -- such as behind a corporate firewall or behind an AWS Security Group -- you will need to manually configure the firewall to forward specific internet connections to the BigBlueButton server before you can launch the client.

When you open the URL, you should see a login to join the meeting Demo Meeting.

Enter your name and click Join. The BigBlueButton client should load and prompt you to join the audio. Click '[x]' to skip joining the audio (again, with a TLS/SSL certificate, your browser will not grant a web application access to the microphone or webcam).

While example of using will setup a fully working BigBlueButton, it does, however, lack a needed piece in any production setup: transport level security (TLS). In other words, you can only access this server via HTTP (unencrypted) and not HTTPS (encrypted), as the server lacks a secure socket level (SSL) certificate configured for the server's hostname.

Without TLS/SSL support, the browser will not allow access to the user's webam or microphone via the builtin real-time communications (WebRTC) libraries.

On a server with a fully-qualified domain name, can automatically request a TLS/SSL certificate (from Let's Encrypt) and configure the BigBlueButton server to use that certificate. The following sections show you how.

Getting ready

Before running, we strongly recommend that you

  • read through these docs,
  • ensure that your server meets the minimal server requirements, and
  • configure a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, that resolves to the external IP address of the server.

To setup a FQDN, you need to purchase a domain name from a domain name system (DNS) provider, such as GoDaddy or Network Solutions. Once purchased, you'll use the web tools provided by the DNS provider to create an A Record that resolves to the public IP address of your BigBlueButton server. (Check the DNS provider's documentation for details on how to setup the A Record.)

With a FQDN domain name place, you can then pass a few additional parameters to to have it

  • request and install a 4096 bit TLS/SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt (we love Let's Encrypt), and (optionally)
  • install and configure Greenlight to provide a simple front-end for users to enable them to setup rooms, hold online sessions, and manage recordings. (Greenlight also lets you, the administrator, manage user accounts within Greenlight).

Once the BigBlueButton server is configured with an TLS/SSL certificate, your users can use FireFox and Chrome (recommend browsers) to access and share their audio, video, and screen in a BigBlueButton session via WebRTC.

The full source code for is here. To make it easy for anyone to run the script with a single command, we host the latest version of the script at

Server choices

There are many hosting companies that can provide you either virtual and dedicated servers to run BigBlueButton. We list a few popular choices below. Note: We are not making any recommendations here, just listing some of the popular choices.

For quick setup, Digital Ocean offers both virtual servers with Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit and a single public IP address (no firewall). Hetzner offers dedicated servers with single IP address.

Other companies, such as ScaleWay (choose either Bare Metal or Pro servers) and Google Compute Engine offer servers that are setup behind network address translation (NAT). That is, they have both an internal and external IP address. When installing on these servers, the will detect the internal/external addresses and configure BigBlueButton accordingly.

Another popular choice is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. We recommend a c5.xlarge (or larger) instance. All EC2 servers are, by default, is behind a firewall (which Amazon calls a security group). You will need to manually configure he security group before installing BigBlueButton (we provide steps in the next section).

Finally, if is unable to configure your server behind NAT, we recommend going through the step-by-step for installing BigBlueButton. (Going through the steps is also a good way to understand more about how BigBlueButton works).

Configuring the firewall

If you want to install BigBlueButton on a server behind a firewall, such an Amazon's EC2 instance, you first need to configure the firewall to forward incoming traffic on the following ports:

  • TCP/IP port 22 (for SSH)
  • TCP/IP ports 80/443 (for HTTP/HTTPS)
  • UDP ports in the range 16384 - 32768 (for FreeSWITCH/HTML5 client RTP streams)

Amazon calls the firewall for EC2 a 'security group'. If you are using EC2, you need to assign your server an Elastic IP address to prevent it from getting a new IP address on reboot.

Installation Videos

Using Digital Ocean as an example, put together this video to get you going quickly: Using to setup BigBlueButton on Digital Ocean.

Using Amazon EC2, see Install using on EC2.

Command options

You can get help by passing the -h option.

$ wget -qO- | bash -s -- -h
Installer script for setting up a BigBlueButton 2.2-beta server.

This script also supports installation of a separate coturn (TURN) server on a separate server.


OPTIONS (install BigBlueButton):

  -v <version>           Install given version of BigBlueButton (e.g. 'xenial-220-beta') (required)

  -s <hostname>          Configure server with <hostname>
  -e <email>             Email for Let's Encrypt certbot
  -g                     Install GreenLight

  -c <hostname>:<secret> Configure with coturn server at <hostname> using <secret>
  -g                     Install GreenLight

  -p <host>              Use apt-get proxy at <host>

  -h                     Print help

OPTIONS (install coturn):

  -c <hostname>:<secret> Configure coturn with <hostname> and <secret> (required)
  -e <email>             Email for Let's Encrypt certbot (required)


Setup a BigBlueButton server

    ./ -v xenial-220-beta
    ./ -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected]
    ./ -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected] -g
    ./ -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected] -g -c

Setup a coturn server

    ./ -c -e [email protected]


Install and configure with an IP address only

To install BigBlueButton 2.2 (no hostname or TLS/SSL certificate):

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta

That's it. The installation should finish in about 15 minutes (depending on the server's internet connection) with the following message:

** Potential problems described below **

# Warning: The API demos are installed and accessible from:
# These API demos allow anyone to access your server without authentication
# to create/manage meetings and recordings. They are for testing purposes only.
# If you are running a production system, remove them by running:
#    sudo apt-get purge bbb-demo

The script also installs the bbb-demo package so you can immediately test out the install. If you want to remove the API demos, use the command

sudo apt-get purge bbb-demo

If you want to use this server with an third-party integration, such as Moodle, you can get the BigBlueButton server's hostname and shared secret with the command sudo bbb-conf --secret.

# bbb-conf --secret

    Secret: yyy

      Link to the API-Mate:

Since this default use of does not configure a SSL/TLS certificate, while you can login to the server, you won't be able to share audio/video as WebRTC requires a SSL/TLS certificate.

Install with SSL/TLS

Before can install a SSL/TLS certificate, you will need to provide two pieces of information

  • a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, that resolves to the public IP address of your server, and
  • an e-mail address.

When you have setup the FQDN, check that it correctly resolves to the external IP address of the server using the dig command.

dig @

Note: we're using as an example hostname, you would substitute your real hostname for the check (and for the commands below).

With just these two pieces of information -- FQDN and e-mail address -- you can use to automate the configuration of BigBlueButton server with an TLS/SSL certificate. For example, to install BigBlueButton 2.2 with a TLS/SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt using and [email protected], enter the command

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected]

(again, you would substitute and [email protected] with your server's FQDN and your e-mail address).

The script will also install a cron job that automatically news the Let's Encrypt certificate so it doesn't expire. Cool.

Install Greenlight

Greenlight is a simple front-end for BigBlueButton written in Ruby on Rails. It lets users create accounts, have permanent rooms, and manage their recordings. It lets you, as the administrator, also manage the user accounts (such as approve or deny users).

You can install Greenlight by adding the -g option.

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected] -g

Once Greenlight is installed, it redirects the default home page to Greenlight. You can also configure GreenLight to use OAuth2 authentication.

To launch Greenlight, simply the URL of your server, such as You should see the Greenlight landing page.

To setup an administrator account for Greenlight (so you can approve/deny signups), enter the following commands

cd greenlight/
docker exec greenlight-v2 bundle exec rake admin:create

This command will create an admin account and set a default password. After running this command, login using the given username/password and change the default password. Next, select 'Administrator' and choose 'Organization'.

You can then select 'Site Settings' on the left-hand side and change the Registration Method to 'Approve/Decline'.

You can now contol who creates accounts on your BigBlueButton server. For more information see Greenlight administration.

Doing everything with a single command

If you want to setup BigBlueButton 2.2 with a TLS/SSL certificate and GreenLight, you can do this all with a single command:

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected] -g

Furthermore, you can re-run the same command later to update your server to the latest version of BigBlueButton 2.2. We announce updates to BigBlueButton to the bigbluebutton-dev mailing list.

Install a TURN server

You can use to automate the steps to setup a TURN server for BigBlueButton.

Note: This step is optional, but recommended if your BigBlueButton server is publically available on the internet and will be accessed by users who may be behind restrictive firewalls.

BigBlueButton normally requires a wide range of UDP ports to be available for WebRTC communication. In some network restricted sites or development environments, such as those behind NAT or a firewall that restricts outgoing UDP connections, users may be unable to make outgoing UDP connections to your BigBlueButton server.

The TURN protocol is designed to allow UDP-based communication flows like WebRTC to bypass NAT or firewalls by having the client connect to the TURN server, and then have the TURN server connect to the destination on their behalf.

You need a separate server (not the BigBlueButton server) to setup as a TURN server, specifically you need

  • a Ubuntu 18.04 server with a public IP address

We recommend Ubuntu 18.04 as it has a later version of coturn than Ubuntu 16.04. Also, this TURN server does not need to be very powerful as it will only relay communications from the BigBlueButton client to the BigBlueButton server when necessary. A dual core server on Digital Ocean, for example, which offers servers with public IP addresses, is a good choice.

Next, to configure the TURN server you need:

  • a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with a DNS entry that resolves to the external public IP address of the TURN server,
  • a e-mail address for Let's Encrypt, and
  • a secret key (it can be 8 to 16 character random string that you create).

With the above information, you can setup a TURN server for BigBlueButton using as follows

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -c <FQDN>:<SECRET> -e <EMAIL>

Note, we've omitted the -v option, which causes to just install and configure coturn. For example, using as the FQDN, 1234abcd as the shared secret, and [email protected] as the email address, you can setup a TURN server for BigBlueButton using the command

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -c -e [email protected] uses Let's Encrypt to configure coturn to use a SSL certificate. With a SSL certificate in place, coturn can relay access to your BigBlueButton server via TCP/IP on port 443. This means if a user is behind a restrictive firewall that blocks all outgoing UDP connections, the TURN server can accept connections from the user via TCP/IP on port 443 and relay the data to your BigBlueButton server via UDP.

With the TURN server in place, you can configure your BigBlueButton server to use the TURN server by running the command again and adding the same -c <FQDN>:<SECRET>. For example,

wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v xenial-220-beta -s -e [email protected] -g -c

You can re-use a single TURN server for multiple BigBlueButton installations.

Next Steps

If you intend to use this server for production you should uninstall the API demos using the command

apt-get purge bbb-demo

You can also do a number of customizations to your server as well.


Greenlight not running

If on first install Greenlight gives you a 500 error when accessing it, you can restart Greenlight.

tomcat7 not running

If on the initial install you see

# Not running:  tomcat7 or grails LibreOffice

just run sudo bbb-conf --check again. Tomcat7 may take a bit longer to start up and isn't running when the first time you run sudo bbb-conf --check.

Getting Help

If you have feedback on the script, or need help using it, please post to the BigBlueButton Setup mailing list with details of the issue (and include related information such as steps to reproduce the error).

If you encounter an error with the script (such as it not completing or throwing an error), please open GitHub issue and provide steps to reproduce the issue.


If you are running your BigBlueButton behind a firewall, such as on EC2, this script will not configure your firewall. You'll need to configure the firewall manually.


Install BigBlueButton in 15 minutes.







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