This project was a part of Information Retrieval Course See IR_Presentation.pdf and IR_Report.pdf for more info
BM25F, a variant of BM25, was used for ranking search results which is one of the state-of-the-art method used for ranking structured documents
- Lucene 6.2.0
- Eclipse or netbeans (Note: Create a folder "lucene" in C: drive of windows and put your entire lucene-6.2.0 folder inside this to avoid any build path complications)
- Extract the file in eclipse workspace
- In eclipse, File->Import->General->Existing Projects... and import the extracted folder
- Import the Lucene jar files by going to File->Build Path->Configure Build Path-> Add External Jars
- Select the file and run it in eclipse
- A window opens, click on write index.(This rewrites the index)
- After writing index, Enter a query for example: "2016-12-31 01-02-2017 Trump Israel" (Note: The query can be made without dates also, but format supported for date are: dd-mm-yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd,dd-mm-yyyy)
- Click on "search" button to see the results in the textarea of GUI.