MLFLOW: An open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle.
Official Link:
MLFLow playlist [Recommended]:
Create a new envioronment with python 3.8 (recommended.)
conda create --name MLFlowPackages python=3.8
conda activate MLFlowPackages
pip install mlflow
MLFLow has 5 individual module Can be used for:
- MLflow Tracking: Tracking ML experiments to record and compare model parameters, evaluate performance, and manage artifacts
- MLflow Projects:Packaging ML code in a reusable, reproducible form in order to share with other data scientists or transfer to production
- MLflow Models:Packaging and deploying models from a variety of ML libraries to a variety of model serving and inference platforms
- MLflow Registry:Collaboratively managing a central model store, including model versioning, stage transitions, and annotations
- MLflow Recipes:Accelerating iterative development with templates and reusable scripts for a variety of common modeling tasks
mlflow.autolog(): It is used for logging all the params/artifacts used for training the model
mlflow ui : It helps to visualise the artifacts and all logged for an experiment in the MLflow ui
MLflow stores tracking data and artifacts in an mlruns/subdirectory
We can track your runs with a tracking server, on shred filesystem
mlflow.set_tracking_uri("file:/C:/Users/uib43225/PycharmProjects/DSAlgo/CodingPractice/MLflow/ml_tracking/test_tracking") # For local path
mlflow server// used for opening mlflow ui
mlflow run //used for running the MLProject file which contains binding of project with entry points.
MLflow tracking is organised in concepts of run, which stores the following information
- code version: hash map
- Start & End Time: in meta.yaml file
- Source: inputs file
- Parameters: params folder
- Metrics: metrics folder
- Artifacts: artifacts folder (model[conda.yaml, MLModel, model.pck, pythin_env.yaml, requirement.txt])
MLflow can be recorded to local filesor SQLAlchemy-compatibel databses, or tracking server. To log runs remotely, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to a tracking server’s URI or call mlflow.set_tracking_uri().
mlflow server --backend-store-uri=mysql+pymysql://root:Conti.1234@localhost:3306/prabhu_test_db ; It helps to store the mlflow experiments which store in backend-store in sql but artifacts not in sql
THis can help to store backend in backend_store_uri and artifacts in s3
mlflow server \
--backend-store-uri postgresql://user:password@postgres:5432/mlflowdb \
--artifacts-destination s3://bucket_name \
--host remote_host
It should have MLProject [a yaml file which contains name, environment and entry points.] also, It should have mentioned environment. which can be run using mlflow run localrepo/github repo -P parameters. used for delpolying the model locally:
mlflow models serve -m C:\Users\uib43225\PycharmProjects\DSAlgo\CodingPractice\MLflow\ml_projects\mlruns\0\0662b09809ad4b0c88f2252958b52db9\artifacts\model -p 1234
if we don't want any env then we can use
--env-manager local
--port 8000
mlflow models serve -m C:\Users\uib43225\PycharmProjects\DSAlgo\CodingPractice\MLflow\ml_projects\mlruns\0\0662b09809ad4b0c88f2252958b52db9\artifacts\model -port 8000 --env-manager local
mlflow models build-docker -m C:\Users\uib43225\PycharmProjects\DSAlgo\CodingPractice\MLflow\ml_projects\mlruns\0\0662b09809ad4b0c88f2252958b52db9\artifacts\model -n my-docker-image --enable-mlserver
mlflow models build-docker -m C:\Users\uib43225\PycharmProjects\DSAlgo\PracticeMLOps\MLflow\ml_projects\mlruns\0\0662b09809ad4b0c88f2252958b52db9\artifacts\model -n model-in-docker-image --enable-mlserver
[for building docker, the docker setup or docker is needed to be installed in system]
MLServer is an open-source Python library for building production-ready asynchronous APIs for machine learning models.
pip install mlserver
pip install mlserver-sklearn
This is used for registering the model in python API.
result = mlflow.register_model(
"runs:/d16076a3ec534311817565e6527539c0/sklearn-model", "sk-learn-random-forest-reg"