This application is built using Java, XML and Firebase. This project aims to introduce mobile-based file sharing through Android.
Document Sharing App is an Android Application that is aimed at easing the task of sharing documents and other information between its users. Users can log in from their respective credentials to access the application. In general, the user can create a group that holds all the files. Creating separate groups separates different kinds of files from each other so they can be properly managed instead of all files in one place. The users here can upload different kinds of files such as PDF, image, audio, video, zip, etc.
The user can also change or remove the files that they uploaded as desired. Users can download the files that are of use to them through their Android devices.
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Email Password Authentication
- Realtime Group Based Messaging
- Share Files, Images, Videos, etc..
- Download and Upload anytime
- Delete your uploaded message
- Create and Join Groups using Join Code
- User Profile Management
Language: Java
- Firebase Authentication
- Firestore Database
- Storage
Architecture: Model-View-Contoroller (MVC)
Other Components Used
- Material UI 2.0
- Navigation-Fragments
- Recycler View
- Shared Preferences
- Navigation-UI
- Download and open the project in Android Studio
- Create Firebase Project
- Enable Email/Password Authentication
- Setup Firestore Database
- Setup Storage
- Make Firestore Rules
- Download google-services.json file
- Connect your Android phone or use the emulator to start the application
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]
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Contributions are always welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your own projects!