Include this library to generate the Signature for Direct Charge API
- Firstly, need to verify the type of signature, private key, charset, API name.
- Get requestBody, get the mandatory field based on the API name, then remove the “signature” field, finally sort all of parameters by ASCII code.
- Private key should be in pkcs8 format.
- Create openssl signature.
- Encrypts the bytes generated in step 4 based on Base64 and returns the signature in string format.
|-- config/
|-- config.php
|-- lib/
|-- rsa.php (core file)
|-- signature.php (core file)
|-- example/
|-- Bkash-logo.png (bKash Logo)
|-- curl.php (core file)
|-- index.php (Main Example File)
|-- process_request.php (Backend Ajax File)
|-- orders.sql (sample)
Open config/config.php
and update below constant parameters.
define("SIGN_TYPE", "RSA2"); // RSA but it will be always RSA2
define("CHARSET", "UTF-8");
define("base_url", ""); // Set base url provided from bKash
define("client_id", "Default"); // Default for Sandbox
define("PRIVATE_KEY", ""); // Set Private Key provided from bKash
define("PUBLIC_KEY", ""); // Set Public Key provided from bKash
To add library with your project add below code.
include '../lib/signature.php';
- Prepare API: Call the library function and pass Prepare API request body in JSON formate as a function parameter. Added
example only for prepare API.
$body = '{ "verify": { "version": "1.0.0", "timestamp": "2022-04-25 15:40:03", "merchantShortCode": "Shared By Kash", "signature":"Shared By Kash" }, "params": { "acquirerId": "Shared By Kash", "pspId": "Shared By Kash", "customerBelongsTo": "Shared By Kash", "authClientId": "Shared By Kash", "authRedirectUrl": "", "scopes": [ "Shared By Kash" ], "authState": "Shared By Kash", "terminalType": "APP", "referenceAgreementId": "Shared By Kash", "osType": "Shared By Kash", "osVersion": "11.0.2" } }
$signature = prepare($body);
- Apply Token/Bind:
$signature = applyToken($body);
- Derict Debit:
$signature = directDebit($body);
- Auth Payment:
$signature = authPay($body);
- Capture Payment:
$signature = capturePayment($body);
- Cancel/Void Payment:
$signature = voidPayment($body);
- Inquiry Payment:
$signature = inquiryPayment($body);
- Refund Payment:
$signature = refund($body);
- Inquiry Refund:
$signature = inquiryRefund($body);
- Cancel Token:
$signature = cancelToken($body);
- User Token/Bind Info:
$signature = inquiryUserToken($body);